12 inches

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50K READS!!! IM EVER SO GRATEFUL !! also lavender and Collin is alive in this

Readers pov:

It was Sunday morning at breakfast. Ron and Harry were slumped over, extremely hang over. Ginny sat there rolling her eyes at them, she had drunk a sobering potion but there was only one left. Last night, there had been a huge party of all the 8th years and they had managed to sneak Ginny, Luna and Astoria in. Dean and Seamus sat down talking and occasionally kissed one and other. Neville and Luna were talking and holding hands, Luna rarely sat at the ravenclaw table now. People no longer called her a looney and made fun of her but they still weren't willing to be her friend whilst she had loads of friends at the Gryffindor table. Lavender and parvati were sat gossiping about last night party and who they thought had gone off together.

"Well Padma was telling me before breakfast that Collin and a really sweet Ravenclaw were sitting together in the Ravenclaw common room this morning!" Parvati said making Lavender giggle.

"Has anyone seen Hermione?" Harry asked lifting his head up, concerned.

"Oh my Merlin! That's what I had forgotten to tell you this morning!" Lavender gushed out, "I know I was pretty drunk last night but I swore I had seen Hermione and Draco kiss then run out of the party!"

"That's impossible!" Ron said outraged.

"I did seem to notice that Mione had left a bit earlier," Luna said in her sing-song voice whilst smiling, she had always though Draco and Hermione would make a fine couple.

"Malfoy is missing as well..." Harry said not wanting to admit that Lavender was right.

"Yes but a lot of slytherins aren't here as well!" Ron snapped, he had thought Hermione would never get with the enemy. Just after he had said this all the missing slytherins had entered (Theo, Blaise, Draco, Daphine, Astoria and Pansy) chatting amongst themselves.

"Well where's hermione then?" Dean said.

"Maybe she just overslept guys..." Seamus said pointing out the obvious. Hermione walked in glowing as she seeped with confidence.

"After-sex glow I'm telling you!" Ginny said making everyone look at her, "Had the same glow after me and Harry did it!"

"I don't want to know!" Ron said as he grimaced. Hermione walked over taking a seat in between Ron and Luna.

"Hello guys!" Hermione said with a huge smile as she took a piece of toast, "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Well-" Seamus started but Dean whispered to him that they should stay out of Hermione's business, "It's nothing Hermione!"

"Ok! Oh yes I also get few more hang over potions, they will make you feel better and remember everything you've forgotten!" Hermione said before she said accio potions and handed them out. Everyone downed them and thanked her for them.

"I thought only Snape handed these out to slytherins, how did you get these?" Neville asked suspicious.

"Don't even worry about it Nev!" Hermione laughed with a smile on her face. They ate breakfast whilst talking about how fun last night was.

Time skip to when Ginny and Hermione were walking to the Library

"Ok I know what's up!" Ginny said as she laughed looking at her best friend.

"What is up?" Hermione asked confused.

"What happened between you and Draco last night?" Ginny asked happy for her.

"Well we kissed at the party, everyone was to drunk to notice. We went back to his private dorm and made out and one thing led to another and we fucked!" Hermione gushed looking at Ginny. Ginny pushed Hermione's hair from her neck to see many hickeys.

"Draco Malfoy leaves a mark!" Ginny said laughing. Little did they know Theo, Blaise, Draco, Astoria, Pansy and Daphene were following close behind also wanting to go to Library. Draco smirked whilst his friends looked at him laughing and congratulating him on finally making a move on his crush.

"Ginny!" Hermione said laughing as they giggled together.

"Right tell me was the sex good?" Ginny asked.

"It was amazing, that man likes to get freaky! I'd be lying if I said the sex wasn't mind-blowing!" Hermione said making them both laugh, "He just sounds and looks so sexy whens he fucking you."

"Anything else?" Ginny asked giggling.

"You know how he gets bitches? Well I didn't expect his dick to be 12 inches!" Hermione said as they arrived at the Library. They walked inside the slytherins following.

"So would you fuck him again?" Ginny asked laughing with her best friend.

"Ginny! Of course I would!" Hermione said as they giggled together.

"Oh my Merlin! Hermione turn around!" Ginny said her eyes wide. Hermione turned around as her jaw dropped.

"How long have you been behind us?" Hermione asked shocked and nervous.

"Ever since Weaslette said 'what happened between you and Draco last night?'" Blaise said laughing.

"For fucks sake!" Hermione cussed putting her hand to her forehead.

"Hey guys!" Ginny said waving, all the slytherins said either hey or just nodded their head.

"Heard you two had some fun last night, now I know why Draco couldn't stop smiling this morning!" Pansy said laughing.

"Pansy!" Draco scolded one of his best friends. Ginny looked at all the slytherins before the Slytherins walked away leaving Draco. Ginny also left leaving Hermione alone.

"So you liked the sex?" Draco asked smirking.

"Shut up!" Hermione said whilst blushing and laughing, she looked down. Draco walked closer to her, lifted her chin and kissed her.

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