if the world was ending

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Readers pov:

Draco knew he had to it today, if she answered his questions he had. He walked up to her in the great hall at dinner, tapping her on the shoulder. All their friends knew about their 4 year old relationship, they were now in their 8th year.

"Hey Hermione," Draco said calling her by her first name in public for the first time. Hermione spun around, this must be serious if he called her by her first name.

"Draco, whats going on?" Hermione started to panic standing up, everyone watching the pair.

"If the world was ending you'd come over right? The sky would be falling and I'd hold you tight," Draco asked hoping she said she'd come to him.

"Of course I would come to you draco you are my boyfriend! Why are you asking this question? Whats going on?" Hermione said confused looking at him panicking, everyone gasped when she said boyfriend.

"Well thats good!" Draco smiled at her before getting on his knee making every single person in the great hall gasp or go dead silent thinking what everyone else was thinking.

"Hermione Jean Granger, you make me very happy which is why im on my knee on the 10th of December at 6:34 pm asking this question. I know I can make the rest of your life amazing. So please will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Draco asked extremely nervous biting on his lip holding a box with a ring inside up.

"I- Of course ill marry you!" Hermione said happily jumping around, Draco got up off his knee and kissed her spinning her around. He let go of her so he could slip the beautiful ring on her finger.

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