How long?

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Readers pov:

"I cant believe you!" Ronald screamed as he burst through the front door to Hermione and Rons house.

"Whats wrong love?" Hermione said looking up from her book, this was very unusual for Ronald as he was quite a calm person.

"Don't call me love!" Ron yelled at her as he chucked his work bag onto the sofa.

"What is going on-?" Hermione said extremely confused,"And will you please quieten down the kids have just gone to sleep!"

"How long have you been shagging Malfoy?" Ron said quietly as tears formed in his eyes. By now their two kids were sitting on the stairs listening to their conversation. Rose was the oldest and was going into fifth year and Hugo was going into fourth year.

"Oh my merlin! How do you know?" Hermione said standing up from the sofa shocked at how he knew. Ronald was not dumb but he certainly wasn't clever.

"It doesn't matter how I know I just want to know how long this has been going on!" Ron said calmly as he sat down on the sofa.

"I am really sorry before I tell you I want you to know that this isn't your fault and I still love you no matter what!" Hermione said sitting down on the sofa as well.

"Hermione I love you to but I want what makes you the happiest!" Ron said as his tears mainly stopped.

"W-well its been going on for about 2 months," Hermione said as she buried her face in her hands. Ronald sat back and bit his lip.

"Im sorry that I couldn't give you everything you wanted. I just wish you had told me you wanted to be with him," Ron said as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Ron I am so sorry, you have given me the world and I love you for that but Draco gave me that passion that ive always wanted!" Hermione said as a few tears cascaded down her soft cheeks. Ron just simply nodded his head and moved closer to Hermione. Hermione wrapped her arms around Ron, giving him a crush.

"I think we were better as best friends Ron," Hermione said breaking the embrace.

"So do I 'mione," Ron said smiling at her,"I'm sorry it took this long to realise it!"

"I love you so much Ron and I hope you know that, so friends?" Hermione said smiling at him.

"Of course! Anyways whats going on with Malfoy? Will you be able to have a relationship now?" Ron said hopeful.

"I hope so, I do like Draco a lot and his son is extremely smart!" Hermione said. Hermione was a professor at Hogwarts and was returning in a few days for school.

"Thats great Hermione, I'm really happy for you!" Ron said smiling at her. Rose and Hugo walked into the room.

"Mum are you two separating?" Hugo said as his eyes welled up in tears.

"Yes we are baby but this doesn't change anything! Me and your father are best friends and we will forever be best friends!" Hermione said she gestured for Hugo and Rose to sit down.

"Will mum now be with Scorpious's father, dad?" Rose said as she hugged Ron.

"I think so darling," Ron said nodding his head,"But remember me and your mother will always love you and each other no matter what!"

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