Marauders map

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Readers pov:

"Im telling you Ronald! Hermione and Malfoy are together!" Harry said shoving the Maurauders Map in Rons face, "Look at the map!"

"I don't know mate why would Hermione be in the Slytherin common room with all the slytherins, maybe they kidnapped her!" Ron said starting to freak out they were currently sitting on the red sofas in their common room, it was 8 pm.

"Well lets go to the Slytherin common room to get her out!" Harry said quickly standing up and rushing to get his invisibility cloak. They speedily run out of the portrait hole and rushed to the dungeons, they arrived in 20 minutes. They stood in the shadows waiting for someone to say the password and go inside. Within 5 minutes, a first year Slytherin boy muttered the word 'Salazar' and went inside. Ron and harry waited for the coast to be clear and went up to the portrait and took the cloak off so the portrait could see them.


"Salazar!" Harry whispered confidently. The portrait swung open letting them inside. They clambered inside to see Hermione laying her head on Dracos lap laughing at something Blaise said. The people seated on the couches were Draco, Hermione, Blaise, Daphene, Pansy and Theo. Harry and Rons jaws hung open as they watched their bestfriend have a real conversation with the Slytherin and lift her head off Dracos lap to kiss him!!!

"What the hell is the Hermione!" Harry shouted as he stomped over to the sofas leaving Ron awkwardly standing at the portrait hole.

"Harry!" Hermione shocked stood up quickly off the sofa, "What are you doing here!"

"More importantly what are you doing here kissing Malfoy!?" Harry yelled gathering attention from all the other slytherins. Hermione lifted her chin up and kept her confidence.

"My loneliness was killing me when you and Ron stopped talking to me for some reason so I made friends with the slytherins, as they actually care what I feel!" She snapped at him making all the Slytherins smirk, "And I found out all of their true personalities then me and Draco became good friends onto boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"Its ok Hermione and im really sorry for not talking to you!" Ron said as he went over and hugged Hermione.

"Ron what are you doing? Y-you traitor!" Harry said astonished at what Ron was doing.

"Thank you Ronald and Harry if you could please leave!" Hermione said extremely angry at Harry.

"Whatever!" Harry cried stomping off.

"Sorry 'Mione!" Ron said chasing after him.

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