I've already got a boyfriend

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8th years are Pansy, Daphene, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville plus Luna and Ginny <3

Readers pov:

All the 8th years, Ginny and luna sat in Draco and Hermiones heads common room just talking and having fun.

"So Hermione have you thought about my question?" Ron asked hopeful, Hermione bit her lip looking around at Ronald. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch them, everyone knowing about when Ron asked Hermione out at lunch and she said she wanted to think about it.

"I- ok well," Hermione stuttered nervous she was going to hurt Ron, she snuck a glance at Draco before looking at her lap feeling guilty and sad. Ron tried to look her in the eye but it wasn't working.

"I already have a boyfriend!" Hermione gushed out looking at Ron, extremely guilty.

"Oh...thats ok but I wish you had told me straight away!" Ron said smiling at her, she quickly returned the smile happy he wasn't mad.

"SO WHOS YOUR BOYFRIEND?" Ginny shouted making everyone look at her.

"I don't know if I can tell you," Hermione said sneaking another glance at the smirking draco. Ginny saw this and smirked, then started to laugh making everyone stare at her.

"Wow cant believe nobody else has seen these looks Hermiones giving a boy in the room!" Ginny said laughing her head off.

"Ok, who is it granger?" Blaise said refusing to call the Gryffindors by their first name. At this point draco had to try and not laugh making Hermione glare at him.

"Ooohhh I know who it is now!" Pansy and Daphene said at the same time laughing looking at each other.

"Its me for the idiots who could figure it out!" Draco said calling them idiots as a joke as he proudly stood up.

"AHA, neville and Theo you will pay me before 11pm tonight!" Luna said knowing they would get together, betting on them. Everyone laughed at this as Theo and Neville got their galleons out handing them over.

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