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This oneshot i wrote ages ago and forgot to publish so its really bad sorry!

Hermiones pov: 

Me and Draco are finally going to Disney! It take me ages to convince him and in the end I was just like 'do it for me and our baby' and then it gave in. I guess you could say I used the pregnancy card on him. *smirks how Draco does*. That made him mad when I stole his brand. As we walked in I noticed how nervous and fidgety Draco was. I just thought to myself that it was because we were In muggle location and he was still adjusting to muggle things.
All day we went on rides, ate a lot of food. When I say a lot of food I meant a lot of food. We ate pretzels, sweets, candy floss and chips. We had a few cokes as we walked around saying hello to loads of movie characters. We saw a few fake witches from different movies. Imagine if they knew it was real. Haha, that's funny. We watched the sunset by the Disney castle. Took a few pictures for instagram. (They are so adorable)
It was getting dark so we had to head home (😔) but as we passing a fountain I had realised Draco had stopped and as I turned around Draco said,
"Hermione Granger will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

My jaw dropped as I started jump and down screaming 'yes'. Everyone started to clap as he slipped the beautiful emerald green ring on my finger. It was so beautiful. He was so beautiful. This day was so beautiful. EVERYTHING IS SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL.

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