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Readers pov: 

Hermione Granger sat in her dorm, on her bed. She had some sort of journal pushed against her book, with a pen. Hermione much preferred to use muggle pens but it was a requirement to use them in classes and for homework. She was still adjusting to the wizarding world as it was only her first year at Hogwarts. She was two weeks into the first term and she was already in love. Many kids already knew what Hogwarts was before coming here so it was completely different for them. 

Upon arriving, she met a lot of lovely people. Although one certain boy caught her boy. Don't get her wrong, he was completely mean to the people with her blood status and people who weren't in Slytherin. That blonde boy was known as Draco Malfoy. Hermione had to admit, he was extremely attractive. 

"Stop it, Hermione, you promised you would focus on school. You have to prove that muggle-borns can be smarter than purebloods!" Hermione scolded herself. She decided it was best to get her feelings out in her journal. 

Dear Diary, 

I met a boy, he's rude and totally off-limits. He could never like me but I feel he isn't truly mean deep down. Almost like he's being forced. It doesn't matter to me anyway, I'm only in the first year. 

- Hermione 


"At least nobody on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent!" Hermione said frowning at him. 

"Nobody asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood," Draco snarled staring at her in disgust. Hermione ran off as tears gathered in her eyes, she heard Ron shout something along the lines of 'you'll pay for that one' as she was running away. 

She clambered onto her bed as she arrived in her dorm, she knew what she had to do. She pulled out the same journal that she hasn't written in since last year. She read the page where she had let her feelings out and then flipped it. She grabbed a pen. 

Dear Diary, 

It's all fallen apart. I insulted him but he went way too far. He called me a mudblood. How on earth can I be saved? When I have this feeling that things will only get worse from here. Even though he's popular amongst the Slytherins. It doesn't mean that he has to call me a wizarding slur... 

- Hermione 

She stopped writing as tears started to cloud her vision and drop onto the page, smudging the writing. She slammed the journal shut, shoving it into her drawers. She face-planted into the pillow letting everything out. 

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