Heads room

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Hermione and Draco are heads <3

Readers pov:

"Hey Herm-" Harry said as Ginny poked him and motioned for him to shush, he was confused until he looked around the common room and found Hermione and Malfoy kissing on the L shaped sofa. Rons eyes widened as all the colour drained from his face, Harrys face was bright red. Ginny didn't look surprised or embarrassed she just looked amused. She grinned whilst watching the unlikely couple. Draco had now pulled Hermione onto his lap as Hermione then straddled him. Just as draco was taking Hermiones shirt off Harry quickly cleared his throat. They broke apart quickly.

"Oh my merlin Harry, Ginny, Ron! How long have you been there for?" Hermione yelled surprised as she pulled her shirt down.

"Long enough..." Harry said him and Ron were frozen to the spot.

"That was hot!" Ginny said as she sat down on the sofa next to Hermione,"Hello Malfoy!"

"Hello Weaslette!" Malfoy said as he had his usual smirk plastered on his face.

"What do you mean that was hot little sister? We just watched our best friend get snogged by our enemy!" Ron said outraged at his little sister, she just shrugged.

"I hate to think about what could have happened if we hadn't shown up!" Harry said grimacing.

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