Spearmint toothpaste

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The song above is soooooo good!!


Hermione's pov:

All Ron and Harry did all day was drone on about how annoying Draco and his best friends (pansy and Blaise) are. Apparently, Malfoy had told his cronies (Crabbe and Goyle) to join another school because they were pissing him off. Ugh and get this they actually did. Others say their families ran away to America as Greg and Vince's fathers died in a tragic car crash and it was the perfect moment for them to escape the dark lord. Anyways who cares about the annoying Slytherins. Can these idiots just stop talking about them? If they invested as much as the time they did into talking about them and insulting them into studying they would be (nearly) as smart as me! Gosh, boys are so annoying.

The girls weren't helping either. All the girls were talking about how hot Malfoy was. I mean I get it....but seriously?

"Do you ever stop talking shit about the Slytherins!" I said whacking them both hard on the head, they gasped at me swearing, "Seriously do you have anything better to talking about!"

"And you wonder why I'm always in the library...!" I murmured, they luckily didn't hear that.

They continued to drone on about them still shocked at me cussing them out. They went on to talk about his fancy spearmint toothpaste. Wait spearmint..... that's what his toothpaste is...! I thought back to the love potion and remembered smelling spearmint toothpaste. I had completely had enough of this.

"I kissed a boy and I liked it!" I shouted they completely didn't understand since it didn't matter that I kissed someone but I wasn't done yet, "The taste of spearmint of toothpaste!"

"H-Hermione?" Harry stuttered shocked, all the Gryffindors were starting to look and so were people in the houses.

"But m-Malfoy uses spearmint!?" Ron shouted.

"Exactly!" I yelled, "That's the point!"

Malfoy smirked at that he caught my eye and he winked at me. MY boyfriend. Not anyone else, I smirked back at him. I got up and walked over to Draco and kissed him on the lips.

"The ships sailed!" Blaise and Pansy screamed breathlessly. Harry's eye widened.

"Y-you traitor!!!" Ron screamed outraged.


I don't know how I feel about this chapter. I like it but I don't like it. If that make any sense?

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