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The song above is my favourite scene in Victorious. ~debby Ryan smirk~ this one is interesting

Readers pov:

"Ok students you may wonder why I have called all 8th year Gryffindors and Slytherins to one classroom," Professor McGonagall boomed over the chatter of the classroom soon shutting everyone up, "The ministry has realised that Hogwarts has no house unity and has made everyone take a house unity class pairing Slytherin with Gryffindors!"

"So this lesson 4 people will have to take Veritaserum and answer everyones questions, very similar to the muggle game 20 questions except you are forced to tell the truth!"

"Does everyone understand?" McGonagall asked everyone nodding.

"Ok first up Neville," McGonagall said ticking him off her list. Nothing to crazy happened except from him admitting that he tried to fight the golden trio in second trio and got froze immediately by Hermione.

"Next Pansy Parkinson," McGonagall said ticking her off her list. Pretty normal things for a Slytherins were said in that, everyone found out she lost her virginity at 13 which surprised all the Gryffindors but seemed extremely normal to the Slytherins.

"Parvati Patil!" She said ticking her off the list. Everyone found out she liked Dean in 1st year but got over the silly crush in a month. That made dean blush.

"Okay and the last person will be Draco Malfoy!" McGonagall said ticking him off the list.

"When did you lose your virginity?" Parvati asked as she was picked first and panicked.

"14," Draco responded casually.

"Ok whats the craziest thing you ever done at Hogwarts?" Ron asked whilst Harry said 'thats a good question mate'.

"Well I- I sneak into the Gryffindor girl dormitory's every night, have done for 4 years," He muttered biting his lip looking down embarrassed. Everyone except the slytherin boys looked mortified.

"Wow plot twist! Seriously so glad you asked that weaslbee!" Blaise said laughing his head off.

"Uhm ok why do you do that draco?" Daphene asked as she looked extremely confused.

"To sleep next to my girlfriend!" He said blushing.

"Ok G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D?" Harry asked shocked.

"Yep and there goes your question potter!" Draco said smirking.

"IN GRYFFINDOR!?" Seamus and Dean asked in unison.

"Yeah and im counting that as both of your questions!"

"Ok who's your girlfriend then?" Theo asked totally amused.

"Hermione," Draco let out suddenly slapping his hands to his mouth.

"Yet another plot twisttttt!" Blaise said as he chewed on the popcorn he conjured up.

"Mr Zabini put that popcorn away this instant!" McGonagall yelled at him as he quickly put it on the table.

"Ok lemme do my question," Hermione said pretending to think about her question,"Who's the prettiest/ sexiest girl you have ever met?"

"You!" Draco said as all the girls went 'awwwww'.

"ew," Harry and Ron said in unison.

"Ok when and how?" Blaise said finally asking his question.

"3rd year after Hermione helped me study and we hit it off and I finally plucked up the courage to ask her out and we faked the punch," Draco blurted out.

"Also I'm still salty about Hermione having to go to the yule ball with Krum! Prat," Draco said as he thought nobody heard the last part.

"Mr Malfoy!" McGonagall said as she heard the last part.

"Sorry!" Draco murmured.

"Anyways class dismissed!" McGonagall yelled. Hermione walked over to Draco.

"Wanna go make out in a broom closest?" Draco asked still under the truth potion. She nodded as they both walked out hand in hand.

"Mate heres the antidote to the truth potion!" Blaise said as he chucked the antidote over.

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