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Readers pov: 

Draco sat on the L-shaped sofa his legs spread (PLEASEEEEEEEEEE HHAHAHISDGHISDG) as he swung his wand around his fingers and hands. (just realised how sexual this sounds) He was staring at the brunette head girl in front of him clasping a book in her hands. 

"Okay, what is your deal?" She finally spoke up getting annoyed by the holes burning into her soul. 

"Granger. Admit to this, you find it fun when we flirt with each other," Draco said making the young women across from him speechless. Hermione had not expected this topic to come up. 

"I admit it's exciting, part of me kind of likes it!" Hermione sighed as she had abandoned her book finally meeting eyes with the smirking blonde man. I wouldn't call the two friends but they were definitely not enemies. It all started when the two unlikely pair were forced to move in together when made the head girl and boy. They had become a little more friendly. No name-calling and Draco flirting with her. They knew they were definitely not enemies the day Hermione had finally flirt back. 

4 months prior 

"So what have you been up to?" Blaise asked as he sat in between Pansy and Theo. Theo and Pansy had this stupid sexual tension where no one could bare have them two sit next to each other. 

"Well I ate dinner alone last night," Draco said as he spotted Granger walking into her room with a snack, "Oh and I shagged Granger!"

This drew Hermione's attention as the blondes three friends rolled their eyes and laughed. So she said from the outside of her door, "Of course you did Malfoy!" 

This shocked Draco making him spin around and look at her. Hermione slightly laughed before walking into her room and closing her door. 

"Night Malfoy!"

Present Time

"So when are we going to stop this?" Draco asked intrigued. 

"Stop what?" Hermione asked knowing exactly what she was doing, making it difficult. 

"You know what I mean. This aimless flirting," Draco said sternly as he lent forward, "We should be something?" 

"Like  what?" Hermione asked as she smiled to herself. 

"You know what I mean," Draco said looking at Hermione's fake clueless look, "I want you to be mine. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend."


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