trust classes with good ol' Hagrid

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8th year + Ginny

Readers pov:

"Today we will be learning to trust others and I know after the -uh- war it hasn't been easy but McGonagall says I should pair people up from different classes!" Hagrid started, "So the pairs will be Hermione and Malfoy, Blaise and Ginny-"

He continued to say names as everyone moved around to their partner, Draco refused to move so Hermione eventually gave up and walked over to Malfoy.

"Sup Granger," Malfoy said smirking.

"Ok now that everyone is paired up I should explain what we are doing! One person will go into the lake and as soon as they start getting pulled down by mermaids the other partner will pull them out. If necessary, dive into the water and then pull them out!" Hagrid explained as he lead all the students down to the lake.

"But Hagrid what are we supposed to wear?" Hermione asked for everyone else.

"Ah that, I talked to McGonagall about this about 5 minutes ago and she had forgot to get swimsuits so she says to go in underwear as you have a class next and theres no time to change!" Hagrid said nervously waiting for everyone to argue as he watched everyones faces fall.

"WHAT?" Pansy screamed making everyone jump.

"Im sorry Miss Parkinson but thats how things are going to be. You are of course allowed to wear your clothes but you will be going to the next class with wet clothes as there is no time to change inbetween," Hagrid said feeling sorry for everyone. Everyone crowed around the lake waiting for Hagrid to say the first partner can go.

"Okay Ginny and Blaise may go now!" Hagrid said as Ginny and Blaise awkwardly took their clothes off being left in their underwear, "Decide who goes first then please go!"

Ginny jumped into the water only for mermaids to latch onto her legs pulling her under a second later. Ginny screamed but stayed calm, Blaise pulled on her arms getting her out a second later. He then jumped in mermaids clutching onto him, Ginny easily pulling him out.

"Heres some towels!" Hagrid said passing them towels, "Good job!"

"Right Ron and Pansy!" Hagrid motioned them to step forward, Pansy trembling but went forward. They pulled their clothes off.

"Right get into the water then!" Ron said waiting for her to get in, Pansy pushed him into the water laughing.

"Not cool Park-" Ron said getting cut off by the mermaids. Pansy screamed and quickly attempted to pull him out, she eventually pulled him out after 3 minutes of hard work. Pansy jumped in and screamed extremely loud as the mermaids came.

"WEASLEY HELP ME!" Pansy screamed, Ron latched onto her under her arms and pulled her out. Every partner was done except from Hermione and Draco.

"Ladies first!" Draco said smirking at Hermione.

"The only time you are actually polite!" Hermione snapped at him motioning for him to go first, they continued to bicker back and forth.

"Right Malfoy you are going first!" Hagrid shouted making them go silent.

"But-" Draco said outraged.

"No buts!" Hagrid said quieter than last time he spoke. Draco stripped to his underwear then got into the water waiting to get snatched by the mermaids. He stayed calmed as the mermaids got hold on his leg, he extended his hand knowing Hermione was strong enough to lift him out by one hand. She took the hand pulling him out.

"Right your turn then Granger!" Draco said as he fixed his wet hair. Hermione stripped and was left in her slytherin green bra and knickers. Draco knew he was staring at her whilst blushing.

"Right Malfoy some of us want to get to the next class on time stop staring at Hermione like you are her boyfriend!" Ron snapped as him and Harry went into protective best friend mode.

"Nice green underwear Granger!" Draco said as he laughed and smirked at her, covering up his mistake.

"Shut up Malfoy if I knew we were going to be doing this I would haven't of worn this set!" Hermione said giving him a death glare, they started to argue again.

"Alright Hermione please get into the water!" Hagrid said quite annoyed at Hermione and Draco. Hermione got in and immediately got pulled on by the mermaids. Hermione was getting pulled on quicker than the others meaning Draco had to get in the water to help. He dove in, grabbing onto Hermione's waist and dragging her away from the mermaids. Draco got out still holding onto her waist as Hermione sat on the side of the lake.

"Sorry..." Draco said taking his arms away.

"Its quite alright, thanks for saving me Malfoy!" Hermione said before getting up and retrieving a towel from Hagrid, she looked down at Malfoy.

"Anytime, Granger!" Malfoy said winking and smirking at her, making Hermione blush and run over to Ron and Harry.

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