bad boy type

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Readers pov:

"You'll never guess who I saw comforting Hermione Granger last night by moaning myrtles bathroom!" An edited female voice gushed out as Hermione walked into the girls dormintrys. She frowned and started to worry, did the girl know?

"Who?" A much less high pitch voice asked.

"DRACO MALFOY!" The voice shouted as the second girl gasped. At this point Hermione ran out, running down to the Gryffindor common room then out of the portrait hole to the library.

~Time skip to when everyone knows and its dinner~

Hermione walked into the room hoping no one else knew. Everyone turned to stare at her as some slytherins giggled under their breath. She ran to the Gryffindor table and plopped down next to Harry and Ron.

"Hi." Harry stated awkwardly shifting as everyones eyes were on them.

"Never knew Hermione would go for a bad boy like Malfoy!" A Ravenclaw laughed making chatter burst out about the situation.

"I heard that they kissed!" Hermione was only catching statements as she buried her face into her face.

"Well I heard that Granger punched Malfoy again!"

"I heard that they went further than kissing!"

"Well I heard that Malfoy apologised for being a twat!"

Suddenly, Malfoy walked in smirking everyone looking at him.

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