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8th year Fred and George come in to play a prank on Hogwarts as they were visiting a friend in hogsmeade and yes I know Fred died but in this he didn't.

Readers pov:

"You think it'll work?" George asked as he hung the mistletoe joke shop new product we have made just for Christmas right by the exit of the great hall.

"I believe in it!" Fred said smiling, students would be coming to breakfast very soon so they hid. They had permission from McGonagall to do this prank as she said students needed to 'lighten up' and they completely agreed. The product would catch the first person leaving breakfast and they person that the student stuck likes. Everyone came into the great hall for breakfast, many people excited as it was a Friday. The twins watched at Malfoy went to walk out but got stuck in the mistletoe. Fred and George came out of hiding and laughed at Draco gaining everyones attention.

"Hey bro!" Ginny said laughing knowing what the product was.

"Hey Gin!" Fred said smiling at their younger sister holding hands with Harry.

"We've got a new prank for Hogwarts we just didn't expect it to catch Malfoy....." George started.

"Its a mistletoe and it only catches who Malfoy likes and they have to kiss to leave!" Fred continued making everyone except Draco laugh.

"OoooOOOOOoooooOO Drakes about to get exposed!" Blaise screamed laughing.

"Shut up Blaise!" Draco snapped annoyed by the situation knowing who it was going to catch.

"Oh no, is Drakey-poos crush not Pans or Tori?" Theo laughed high giving Blaise.

"Shut up Theo!" Draco said.

"Bye guys I need to return a book to the Library before classes!" Hermione said cheerfully walking towards the exit expecting to walk through the circle Malfoy was stuck in. She smiled as her curls bounced up and down as she walked. Everyone watched to see if she was going to get stuck nobody actually thinking she was. She walked into the circle but when she went to get out of the great hall she couldn't. She frowned and turned on her heel to stare at Draco then at the twins.

"Look I don't like to doubt your amazing work but are you sure this ones actually worked properly?" Hermione asked confused.

"Oh its working alright!" Blaise laughed remembering all the hours he spent listening to his friend Draco drone on about the bookworm. Draco rolled his eyes and looked the other way. After a few minutes of silence in the great hall, Hermione and Draco looked at each other.

"Ugh I have to return these books!" Hermione moaned before walked closer to Draco and smashed her lips onto his. It shocked both of them at Hermiones action. Everyone in the great hall were shocked even more and some even gasped. Draco picked her up and put her against the wall so he could kiss her more easily. After 5 minutes, they broke apart and could leave.

"Thanks Malfoy!" Hermione said blushing before running off to the library.

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