teenage dream

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6 years after the wizarding war, Hermione and draco are engaged and live together in the first part and in the second part they are in the great hall at midnight in their 8th year. I couldn't decide which one to do so I wrote both.

Readers pov:

Hermione stood by the oven cooking eggs and bacon as Draco sat on the chairs by counters laughing at Hermione dancing and singing. He did like the song she was blasting on her iPod. She ran over to draco and pulled him up, making him dance.

"You think I'm pretty without any make-up on!" Hermione sang at the top of her lungs turning off the oven so she could dance and sing with Draco properly, him laughing at her terrible singing. They danced together around the kitchen and laughed, "Now every February you'll be my valentine, valentine!"

"I will forever be your valentines!" Draco said making Hermione blush.

"Let's go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance until we die. You and I!" Hermione and Draco sang in unison smiling at each other and dancing like idiots, "We'll be young forever!"

"You make me feel like I'm living a, teenage, dream, the way you turn me on!" Hermione sang with Draco, having probably the best morning they had ever spent together. Laughing, giggling, singing, dancing and having the time of their life.

Second story Readers pov:

The two 18 years old knew they had forgot to put a silencing charm on the great hall when they came down to it to dance and have fun with each other. Without a care, they danced and sang together.

"You and I, will be young forever!" Hermione shouted in a singing voice, draco laughing at her terrible singing skills.

"Living a teenage dream!" Hermione and Draco sang together as they jumped and danced together cradling each other and being normal teenagers, like magic doesn't exist.

"Albus shouldn't we stop Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger? Students are starting to complain at the extremely loud music, merlin knows how some of the students can hear the music from their rooms!" McGonagall said to Dumbledore as the two stood at the door watching the two teenagers dance with each other, laughing and smiling.

"No we shouldn't but we will put a silencing charm on it, sometimes you have to let teenagers live normal lives acting like they are normal muggles!" Albus said with the sparkle in his eye, smiling at the two students. He pulled his wand out and put a silencing charm on then walked to his bedroom quarters, smiling.

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