Sneaked into the slytherin common room

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Readers pov:

"Hey I can have fun!" Hermione shouted at Ronald in the Gryffindor common room.

"Fine, then prove it!" Ron said as Harry just watched them argue trying not to laugh, "Come to the slytherin common rooms with me and Harry, I heard they were having a huge Halloween party!"

"Ok lets do!" Hermione said having no idea what she just said as the two laughed and clapped their hands together, excited for whats about to go down.

"Right get your halloween costume on! We need to blend in!" Harry ushered Hermione up to the girls dormitory's to get changed. Truth be told she didn't have a costume, she knew who she had to ask.

10 minutes later, Hermione came back out with Ginnys costume on. Ginny being Ginny she chose the smallest, tighest and 'hottest' outfit she could. She felt extremely uncomfortable but did it anyway, anything to prove Ron wrong.

They came to slytherin portrait and sat there for a good 15 minutes until Harry guessed Salazar and it opened luckily!

"Looks like everyones drunk!" Ron said laughing looking around. Hermione felt sick to her stomach and watched the boys walk off to explore. She felt like she could faint any second, so she found the nearest room and ran into it. As she entered she saw one huge emerald and jet-black bed with a nightstand that looked to have 3 different expensive watches sitting on it. Hermione heard the door click open, she ran into the closet only to find masses of suits, robes and school clothes. She looked through the creak in the closet door only to see Malfoy pulling his expensive, white button up shirt off. It hit the ground as he walked towards the closet Hermione was in. He threw it open, he smirked seeing Granger inside holding her stomach and looking disgusted.

"Whats brings you into my closet on halloween, Granger?" Malfoy asked smugly, visibly not drunk like his peers. He came closer, so close she could smell his minty breath. Hermiones eyes crept down his exposed torso, showing his abs. Draco put his finger under her head bringing her face up. He looked into her eyes before crashing his soft lips onto hers.

And the worst part is Hermione didn't even stop it....

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