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Readers pov:

"Honey, honey how you thrill me ahaha honey, honey!" Ginny laughed running through the Gryffindor common room with Hermione trailing behind screaming at her.

"GINNY WEASLEY GIVE MY DIARY BACK NOW!" Hermione screamed at her, most people were in the great hall eating lunch as it was a Sunday.

"Nearly killed me ahaha!" Ginny screamed running out of the portrait hall, continuing to read it. Hermione groaned following her, knowing she was going to read it regardless.

"I heard about your reputation!" Ginny laughed running down the moving stairs towards the great hall, "I wanted to know some more!"

"Ugh Gin you are the worst!" Hermione screamed hot on her tail.

"And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine!!!! Oh, you make me dizzy!" Ginny laughed reading her diary and reaching the great hall and hearing the familiar chatter die down at seeing Hermione mad at Ginny.

"GINERVA WEASLEY GIVE IT BACK RIGHT NOW!" Hermione moaned hitting her head on her hand as Ginny ran into the great hall everyone staring at the two.

"Let me feel it, don't conceal it!" Ginny laughed reading the diary to the whole great hall. Hermione groaned and sat next to Harry and Ron.

"The way that you kiss good night, the way that you hold me tight!" Ginny said sighing dramatically making Hermione roll her eyes. Everyone in the great hall laughing with Ginny.

"Harry control your freaking girl friend!" Hermione said resting her head on her hands.

"Sorry 'mione but this is amazing!" Harry laughed with Ron.

"I feel like im going to do your," Ginny said stopping for a bit walking over to Hermione and putting her arms around her neck, "THING!"

"Honey, honey how you thrill me, nearly kills me!" Ginny laughed watching all the slytherins smirk.

"So Hermione, who is little miss bookworm talking about in this lovely diary entry!" Ginny said sitting down next to her.

"Its none of your business Ginerva, im still annoyed at you!" Hermione said looking at Ginny whilst drinking some coffee.

"OMG I KNOW IT IS NOW!" Ginny said laughing at her.

"Well then tell us?" Ron said not eating food for once.

"I don't know exactly but its a slytherin and its either Malfoy, Zabini or Nott because it obviously isn't crabbe or goyle!"


"Hey don't we get a say in this? We wouldn't go out with you either!" Theo and Blaise said in unison laughing.

"See im right, next time try not to get defensive! You are a terrible lier!" Ginny said laughing yet again.

"Shut up Ginny...." Hermione looking down at her fruit on her plate as everyone was still watching.

"So, who is it?" Ginny asked being serious for once, Hermione looked up blushing and caught a glance from Draco. She quickly turned back to Ginny and looked her in the eye.

"Its Draco," Hermione murmured.

"OMG DRAMIONE IS REAL PEOPLE!" Ginny stood on the table dancing like a clown.

"What the fuck is Dramione?" Pansy asked extremely confused by this situation.

"Its draco and Hermiones ship name!" Blaise answered for Ginny in a 'duh' kind of tone of voice. Draco walked over to Hermione and kissed her temple and wrapped his arms around her neck making people 'awww' and 'ewww'.

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