Amortentia pt. 2

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Readers pov:

"Today we are learning about a particular potion-!" Slughorn said walking around the desk the potion was on as he got cut off.

"Ugh oh merlin this smells disgusting, it smells just like granger!" Draco said holding his nose shut and pretending to throw up.

"Well I cant smell anything over your disgusting scent, Malfoy!" Hermione stated leaning in to see if the potion actually smelt like her. They started to argue, bouncing insults back and forth. Slughorn held up a book reading 'Amortentia' on the front signalling to the class that the potion was Amortentia, everyone laughed.

"Who's going to tell them what the potion is?" Ron managed to say as he continued to laugh.

"This has to be the best day of my life!" Blaise and Pansy said in unison both laughing.

"The potion smells like the person you are attracted to/ what attracts you!" Slughorn laughed under his breath thinking about how the two will react.

"WHAT!?" They both screamed looking at each other.

"I am not attracted to this ugly bookworm!" Draco rolled his eyes scratching the back of his neck.

"Dont flatter yourself Malfoy, I could never be attracted to your hideous face!" Hermione screamed at him, "The potion must be wrong!"

Harry stepped forward and smelt the potion.

"Nope the potion is right!" Harry said as he smelt Ginny in the potion.

"How could you not be attracted to my hot face!" Draco laughed.

"I am not attracted to your hot face!" Hermione snapped, "Anyways you smelt me in the potion as well don't act like its not double sided

"HA YOU ADMITTED I WAS HOT!" Draco shouted super happy she just admitted to it.

"Shut up Malfoy, yes I admitted it but you must think the same since you smelt me!" Hermione laughed.

"Whatever Granger..." Draco murmured.

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