moaning in class lol

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Readers pov:

Hermione came into class with 10 seconds to spare, everyone was already there but the only seat was next to Malfoy. She groaned silently and sat down next to him, he smirked at her and winked at her. She rolled her eyes and took her books out as Harry and Ron shot her a look. She was never the last one to class, she must of had a rough morning. She looked at Malfoy, she suddenly closed his eyes and started to think of Malfoy. What was wrong with her? All of the things he could do to her. She saw him grab the duvet and pin her to the wall. She heard someone moan so Hermione snapped her eyes open to see everyone staring at her.

"Why are you all staring at me!" She snapped.

"Well you moaned," Harry stated awkwardly not looking her in the eye.

"No q didn't!" Hermione said desperately, she knew she had but didn't want to admit it. Ugh how did she make such a huge mistake.

"Who was Miss Granger thinking about?" Malfoy laughed looking at her front the other side of their desk.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Hermione said giving him a death stare.

"Ha you admitted you were thinking about a certain person!" Pansy clapped her hands together then high fived Blaise.

"Actually I would like to know, I mean BOOKWORM GRANGER MOANING IN CLASS!" Draco said shouting the end, Harry and Ron must of noticed that Hermione would look everyone else in the eye except Malfoy so they started to laugh.

"Hermione," Ron started laughing his head off with Harry.

"Was having unholy thoughts of-" Harry continued as they clutched their hurting stomachs as they were laughing so hard. He didn't get to finish as Hermione slapped them both extremely hard on the back of the heads.

"How do these idiots know and not us!" Draco moaned.

"Hermionewasthinkingaboutdracowhenshemoaned," Harry said very quickly so Hermione couldn't stop him.

"Ugh shut up ill just use that one spell where you can think of anyones thoughts that they've thought about in the last 5 minutes!" Draco said drawing his wand as he couldn't work out what harry said. Hermiones eyed widened as she tried to get out of chair but Pansy got there first and put a binding chair on her body.

"What the hell parkinson!" Granger screamed at her, desperately trying to move. Although it was hopeless. Draco said the spell and closed his eyes. He opened them a minute later.

"Just books and the library oh yeah and a bit of this really weird huge room with red seats and a huge and I mean huge screen!" Draco said looking around as if asking what the huge room was.

"Thats a cinema you idiot!" Harry laughed at his stupidity. He rolled his eyes then closed them again. He got to the bit where she looked at Draco then closed her eyes. He saw what she was thinking about. He opened his eyes in shock and they widened his jaw dropped.

"Wow that wild!" Draco said still shocked. Hermione had to revisit the memories as well so he could enter her mind.

"Ok you can shut up now Malfoy!" Hermione smiled at him fakely.

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