Talkative and truth potion

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8th year!

Readers pov:

Hermione walked into the great hall with Harry and Ron chatting quickly, Harry and Ron shook their heads. They had given her a potion that made you extremely talkative and made you tell you the truth. They all walked over to Ginny who was laughing at Hermione, everyone staring at Hermione and listening to what she had to say but Hermione hadnt noticed due to the potion.

"And then I was like-" Hermione said sitting down next to Ginny, "Hey Ginny have I told you about the head boy who I have to live with?! His name is Draco Malfoy, you may have seen him around school!"

"No I haven't tell me all about this boy!" Ginny said smirking as everyone continued to wait for Hermione to talk.

"Hes like a total prick!" Hermione said laughing.

"He doesn't sound like a nice person mione!" Ron said trying not to laugh whilst the slytherins rolled their eyes, Hermione looked at him before looking at Ginny.

"But he's like so tall and handsome as hell," Hermione said loudly still not noticing everyone staring at her whilst some laughed as she fidgeted.

"Now this is getting good, when we were talking to her all she talked about this muggle actor who's like 25!" Harry said laughing.

"He's so bad but I bet he does it so well! I'd love to find out if he is good" Hermione said giggling in a way thats very unlike her, "Anyways did I tell you about that story how this one guy bit my dad since my parents are dentists?"


Everyone had started to talk again in the great hall since Granger was now talking about boring things.

"Mate she thinks you are handsome!" Blaise said giving Draco a pat on the back whilst laughing.

"And she wants to have sex with you!" Theo said falling into fits of giggles.

"She called you a prick though..." Pansy said laughing with Theo.

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