your girlfriend

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Readers pov:

"Go run off to your father Malfoy!" Ron shouted at him pushing him. Draco didnt push back.

"Fuck off Ron, you should go pick up a book because Granger wont be able to tell you all the answers when you're out of Hogwarts!" Draco said making all the slytherins cheer.

"You still a death eater like your disgusting family?" Ron asked laughing. The Gryffindors laughed with him.

"You know full well me and my family arent death eaters you arsehole!" Draco yelled defending his family.

"And as for Hermione, I am smart enough to do my homework on my own! Anyways im the man in the relationship so shut up you prick!" Ron screamed at him making Draco scoff.

"See thats why I fuck your girlfriend you fucking prick!" Draco said winking at Hermione making her look at him.

"Shut up Malfoy everyone knows you're lying!" Ron said questioning his relationship with Hermione.

"Malfoy!" Hermione yelled at him secretly trying not smirk. All the slytherins smirked at the Gryffindors.

"Weasley doesn't know that me and Granger do it in my dorm every sunday, she tells him shes in the library but she doesnt go. Still shes on her knees!" Malfoy said smirking very widely the following sentence was him acting as Hermione, "Ron doesnt know!"

"Shut up Malfoy, you're lying! Plus Hermione would never get with your ugly ass especially when she has me!" Ron said laughing but Gryffindors and the slytherins were both silent, now the ravenclaws and hufflepuffs had joined.

"And Hermiones a goodie-goodie virgin!" Ron said rolling his eyes. Hermione stepped forward taking her cloak off to reveal her top with her top buttons unbuttoned and her rolled up skirt.

"Deal with it, I fucked Malfoy on many occasions." Hermione said walking over to Malfoy letting him put his arm around her. They walked away. Literal mic drop...

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