ill kill him

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Readers pov:

"How do we stop her?" Ginny asked as Hermiones friends (Blaise, Theo, Draco, Pansy, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Luna) watched her from the door of the ROR. She was smashing everything around her. Plates, cups and was even ripping pages out of books.

"This is very serious guys lets just listen to see what she says!" Theo said in a serious tone, he was an extremely jokey person and was never serious. They watched the tears fall like a water fall as her face was red.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Hermione screamed at the top of her lungs as she smashed a plate.

"Whos she talking about?" Luna asked as they all shrugged their shoulders.

"I hope you burn in hell mother fucker!" Hermione yelled setting a blanket on fire then magically setting it out.

"Oh merlin this is really bad!" Harry said starting to pace. Ron placed a hand on his shoulder and asked him to calm down for hermiones sake.

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be forced into having a child at the god damn age of 18!" Hermione shouted over the sound of three different cups breaking.

"She's pregnant..." Blaise sighed rubbing his temple.

"I swear to god I am going to make sure you rot in Azkaban after what you've done! How dare you rape me and think you can get a way with it!" Hermione yelled as she slumped down into a chair.

"Oh. My. God!" Pansy started crying at the thought of Hermione being raped by someone. Draco strode into the room of requirements shocking everyone. Nobody dared go in, not at the anger levels she was at. He crouched down next to the chair and looked into her eyes.

"Hey? Its going to be ok, we are all here for you!" Draco cooed sweetly and quietly, "Who did this to you Hermione?"

"Congratulations!" Hermione said scaring everyone, did draco rape Hermione, "You're going to be a brother!"

"You mean?" Draco said tears coming to his eyes as Hermione nodded her head.

"I knew Lucius was a cruel monster but I didn't think he would rape an 18 year old!" Blaise stated angrily striding in everyone behind him.

"Hermione we will kill him!" Ginny said looking her in the eye. Everyone looked extremely angry with tears in the eyes.

"Please do!" Hermione yelled angrily then went back to being calm so she doesn't stress the baby out. They all ran out except from draco, who stayed behind. He put his forehead to hers.

"Hey, love," Draco whispered quietly, "Im sorry this happened to you!"

"Its ok draco," Hermione murmured, it wasn't ok. Lucius had raped her because she and Draco were together and he was furious. It still wasn't right though, rape is never ok.

1 hour later, the whole gang ran in to see the two cuddling on a sofa infront of a fireplace.

"Hermione?" Pansy said.

"Lets just say Lucius has a life long sentence in Azkaban!" The whole gang said in unison then ran up to Hermione and hugged her.

"Yes if you call hell Azkaban!" Blaise laughed snapping his wand, the wand that had killed Lucius Malfoy exactly 9 hours ago.

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