Amortentia pt 4

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Readers pov:

Hermione ran over to the slytherin table nobody noticing. Hermione saw a space next to Draco Malfoy and grinned before climbing onto Draco's lap.

"Hey baby!" Hermione said in an unusual voice trying to kiss him.

"What did you call me and why are you on my lap Granger?" Draco said moving back before she could kiss him making her frown. Everyone was staring as the slytherins laughed.

"Because I love you!" Hermione said snuggling her head into his shoulder. Draco felt very uncomfortable and tried to push her off but she wouldn't budge.

"Malfoy im so sorry Hermiones under Amortentia and she saw you come into the great hall first!" Harry said running over with Ron and Ginny.

"Well get her off!" Draco said moaning to them.

"Uh no!" Ron said fear in his eyes.

"WHY!?" Draco screamed at them as Hermione kissed his cheek.

"Well she kind of punched Neville and bit me!" Ginny said rolling her eyes.

"I don't care get her off!" Draco tried shoving her off her again but instead got a kiss on the lips from her, "WHAT THE HELL GRANGER UGH!"

"What?" Hermione asked smiling at him as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. Theo, Blaise and Pansy laughing their heads off, "I love you drakie!"

"Granger?" Draco asked looking her in the eye, "If I kiss you will you leave me alone?'

"Yes!" She quickly said everyone shocked Draco asked that. Draco kissed her on the cheek making Hermione frown, "That doesn't count, kiss me on the lips draco!"

Draco scowled at his and Hermiones friends as they laughed. He looked at Hermione waiting for him, smiling. He quickly leaned in and kissed her.

"Thanks!" Hermione said getting off his lip giving him hug from behind.

"Ok leave me alone now!" Draco said before Hermione nodded her head, putting her fingers to her mouth then skipped her. Draco was about to pick up some food then noticed it was dead silent in the hall. He looked up to see everyone staring at him.

"Whats everyone staring at?" Draco shouted as he scowled.

"Well you just kissed Granger, not her kissing you!" Theo said laughing, he shipped dramione.

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