Dark mark

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Readers pov:

"But it was not your fault but mine," Draco cried tears falling from his eyes.

"I should have stopped this some how, I could have helped you!" Hermione said as they ran into a deserted classroom to talk about Dracos new dark mark.

"It was your heart on the line," Draco sighed calmly as silent tears fell,"I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?"

"Draco let me help you, let Dumbledore help you. Please for me!" Hermione said as dracos back slid down the wall. She knelt down and cupped his face whilst they cried together.

"How can you help me?" Draco cried as his face fell into his hands.

"We'll figure it out together love," Hermione said as she sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

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