wet dream😳

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8th year. Hermione and Draco are heads and share a common room plus have there own rooms.

Readers pov:
Hermione moaned and really loud as Draco touched all over her body and rubbed her breast.
"Hermione?" Hermione! HERMIONE??" A voice called getting louder, she looked up. It wasn't Draco. Suddenly, she opened her eyes.
"Did Hermione just have a wet dream?" Ginny asked bursting out laughing.
"What are you guys doing in here and how did you get in?" Hermione asked shocked and scared.
"Well Malfoy let us in as he quickly left saying something about you moaning and calling stuff out!" Ron said uncomfortably.
"So who was little miss bookworm dreaming about?" Harry asked poking her.
"I wouldn't tell any of you even if I was given ten million dollars!" Hermione said annoyed at the three for walking in on her dream. She had only just realised that the bed and he knickers were quite wet. She didn't move afraid they'd see the wetness.
"Was i the only one that heard mione go 'dRaCooOooOoOoOo please just do it'" Ginny laughed mocking Hermione.
"No I'm pretty sure we all heard it!" Ron said.
"It was not about Draco!" Hermione yelled blushing.
"Yes it was!!" Harry said laughing.
"All right I think it's time you guys leave!" Hermione said in a friendly way.
"no!" Ginny laughed.
"No get the fuck out." Hermione said sounding scary and serious which terrified them into running out.

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