a movie and....part 2

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Readers pov:

Hermione sat at her desk in her head girl bedroom. She couldn't sleep as she was overloaded with guilt and love. Guilty that she was with Ron whilst only feeling best friend love towards him. And love towards Draco, the person that has tormented her and her friends their whole life at Hogwarts. Yes they may have forgiven all of Dracos actions and horrible words but you can never forget the past. Plus they still weren't exactly on good terms. She had to make things right.

First, she would write a letter to Ron telling him that they needed to break up as she was too nervous to do it face-to-face.
Secondly, she would knock on Draco's door and admit her feelings for him as it was getting too stressful carrying around these feelings and she just had to get them out and tell him.
Lastly, hopefully she would watch a movie with Draco.

She sighed, a movie and Draco is just what she wants. It would be relaxing and she could fall asleep without being woken up and reminded that is was his favourite movie. She would be able to fall asleep in his arms cuddling him. 

She sighed before grabbing some parchment and ink. She had to do this, if Ron found out about her feelings towards Draco everything would be wrong. She would probably lose him as a friend because she lied to him. So, she began to write.

Dear Ron, 

I'm sorry and I hope with time you can forgive me for what I'm about to do. 

Hermione scrunched it up, she had no idea what to write next. With force, she chucked it into her bin before jumping onto her bed. She screamed into her pillow feeling sorry for herself. 

"Granger? You alright in there?" Draco asked from behind her door as he knocked. Her eyes widened as she lifted her head from her pillow. She smoothed her hair before jumping up and running to the door. She opened it. 

"I'm fine thank you!" Hermione said before smiling and slamming the door. She turned her back to the door before sliding her back down the door. Not the best idea...her back hurt and her hair frizzed up. The movies make it look so much better. Her head fell into her hands, she couldn't break up with Ron! It would just ruin everything and make her friendship group awkward. And all for what? Because she has some silly feelings towards her ex-bully? 

She lifted her head, no! She was powerful, Hermione had to do what she had to do! She got up from the floor and ran to her desk before grabbing parchment and ink. 

Dear Ron, 

I'm sorry and I hope with time you can forgive me for what I'm about to do. Things are perfect between us and you are perfect. This is all my fault. I've caught feelings for a certain someone and it made me realise that I love you. But not romantic feelings. Probably shouldn't have stopped that sentence there but there we have it. We need to break up! I really hope things between us aren't awkward, I would hate that. I want to go back to our friendship we had when we were innocent little kids who thought Voldemort was dead. Now I'm trying to be more honest so I guess I should tell you who I caught feelings for. Now I would understand why you would be mad at me but please consider forgiving me. I like...Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Now I don't even know why, I cant believe myself for this. I love you Ron, I really do. But I cant be with you whilst liking another man. Please consider forgiving me!

- Hermione :)

She put it into an envelope before getting ready to head to the owlery. She pulled on a jacket before walking out of the heads dorms. Her walk to the owlery was peaceful except from the horrible feeling in her stomach. These weren't butterflies, they were little demons biting at her insides. She dropped her letter off before running back to the head dorms. She jumped into bed even though she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. 

~The Next Day~

Everyone was at breakfast, except from on bushy, brown haired girl. Owls started to swoop in as Hermione appeared at the entrance. 

"Hey look, it's Hermione!" Ginny announced to her friends. Ron waved for her to come over as he smiled at her. Hermione looked down sadly, knowing she couldn't stop what was about to happen and ran away as she saw the letter drop for Ron. 

"Wonder what that was about!" Neville spoke as he wavered it off and continued to eat his cereal. 

"What's the letter, mate?" Harry asked Ron.

"Not sure, it's not from Mum! I don't know who'd be writing to me!" Ron said as he shrugged. He teared it open, confused. Everyone looked at him waiting for him to say what it is. 

"Well?" Ginny said shaking her head. 

"Hermione just broke up with me..." He said slowly before rereading the letter. Tears gathered in his eyes. 

"Lets see!" Ginny said feeling bad before trying to rip it out of his hands. 

"NO!" He accidentally shouted still trying to protect his best friend from them finding out her feelings for Draco. 

"Well that explains how she was acting!" Seamus said before patting him on the back.

"Well if this makes her happy then it makes me happy." Ron said holding back tears. 

"Hermione has feelings for Malfoy?" Harry asked, shocked. Ron folded up the letter quickly. 

"Wow!" Ginny said before internally smirking, she had always shipped them two. 

~Hermiones room~

Time to tell Draco, yet he would still be at breakfast. She slumped onto her bed after getting no sleep last night. She closed her eyes before falling into sleep. 

She awoke to the sound of Draco coming in and closing his bedroom door. This was her time, she had to tell him. I mean she's already gone through with the first step so might as well go through with the second. She brushed her hair before running out of her room. She knocked on his door before opening his door and bursting in. 

"I need to tell you something and I need you to listen. I don't care what you say, you have got to listen! Now do not be a dickhead about what I'm about to tell you!" Hermione said walking in without his permission. He was right by the door, standing awkwardly. Then Hermione realised. 

"Oh, hello! Theo, Zabini, Greengrass and Parkinson!" Hermione said looking at them shocked, "Sorry didn't mean to come at a bad time." 

"Hello Granger, seemed like what you needed to tell our dearest Draco was very important!" Blaise said getting up and smirking. 

"No, no, no, no, not that important!" Hermione said as she tried to leave. Blaise slammed the door. 

"Spit it out, Hermione!" Blaise said. He had called her Hermione as they had been potions partners once. He spun around as he felt popcorn hit his neck, "Daphene!" 

"Blaise stop being such an annoying git and let Hermione and Draco speak privately in her room!" Pansy said opening the door, ushering them out and winking and smiling at Hermione. Hermione smiled back before thanking her.  Draco followed her out of his bedroom. They went inside her bedroom.

"What did you need?" Draco asked her as Hermione closed the door. Draco expected Hermione to come onto him or something. 

"You might want to sit for this!" Hermione said as she gestured towards her bed. Draco widened his eyes as Hermione rolled her eyes at him. So Hermione explained how she liked him and because of this she broke up with Ronald. He was confused but understood at the same time. He smirked at her, "Don't be a dickhead about it!" 

"And why would I be a 'dickhead' about it when I, Draco Malfoy return these feelings to Hermione Granger?" Draco said laughing. Hermione rolled her eyes before forcefully kissing him whilst laughing. 

Later that night, after Draco's friends had left, they sat down and Hermione taught Draco what a tv was. A movie and Draco was perfect. 

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