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Readers pov:

"Intriguing, isn't it?" Professor Lupin says as everyone stared at the shaking wardrobe.

"Anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" Lupin said as he walked by the students.

"Thats a boggart that is!" Dean Thomas said answering lupins question.

"Very good Mr Thomas!" Lupin congratulated the 13 year old.

"Now can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" Lupin continued.

"Nobody knows!" Hermione said.

"When she get here?" Ron murmured to harry.

"They are shape shifters who take the shape of a particular person fears the most, thats what makes them so-" Hermione said being cut off.

"-Terrifying, yes yes," Lupin said continuing Hermiones answer, "Luckily a very simple charm will rebound a boggart,"

The wardrobe continued to shake violently.

"We may practise it now, without wands please!" Lupin said," After me, Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" The whole class said in unison.

"A little louder and very clear, listen, Riddikulus!" Lupin said correcting the children.

"Riddikulus!" The whole class said louder.

"This class is Ridiculous!" Draco said from the side of the room. Crabbe nodded his head at him.

"Very good, so much for the easy part, see the incantation alone is not enough, what really finishes a boggart is laughter! You need to force it to assume the shape you find truly amusing!"

"Neville would you join me please?" Lupin asked as Neville turned his head, "Come on don't be shy, come on, come on!"

"Hello, Neville what frightens you most of all?" Lupin asked.

"Professor Snape...." Neville mumbled.

"Sorry?" Lupin said not hearing him the first time.

"Professor Snape!" Neville said more loud and clear. Everyone laughed at that.

"Yes yes, frightens all and I believe you live with your grandmother?" Lupin said nodding his head.

"Yes but I don't want that boggart to turn it that either!" Neville said making the whole class laugh once again.

"It won't!" Lupin said after shaking his head, "I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes very clearly in your mind!"

"She carries a red hand bag!" Neville said quietly.

"We don't need to hear as long as you see it we'll see it!" Lupin said shaking his head, "Now when I open that wardrobe heres what I want you to do!"

"Imagine Snape with your grandmothers clothes!" Lupin whispered into his hear, "Can you do that?"

"Yes, wand at the ready! One...Two....Three" The wardrobe door clicked open and opened very slowly. Snape walked out.

"Think Neville, think" Lupin said into Nevilles ear.

"Riddikulus!" Neville said Snape now wearing his grandmothers clothing. Everyone laughed.

"Wonderful Neville!" Lupin said laughing, "Incredible, ok everyone form a line!"

"Ok I want everyone to picture what they fear most then turn it into something funny!" Lupin said as put some music on.

"Ron!" Rons turned into a massive spider, he put it on skates.

"Parvati next!" Hers turned into a snake it turned into a jack in the box.

"Ok Hermione next!" Lupin said laughing. Hermiones turned into Professor McGongall giving her all her failed exams. She turned it a muggle meme. Nobody got the meme except from Harry and the muggleborns. Everyone laughed at Hermiones fear.

"Draco next!" Lupin said. He sighed, he knew what was coming. He couldn't deny it. He walked closer as it took the form of Hermione getting killed by his father. He looked at his shoes before drawing his wand. Everyone was confused by his greatest fear. He looked like he was on the verge of tears when he saw his father Avada Kedavra Hermione. Many people looked away as they were sensitive to people getting killed.

"Riddikulus!" He yelled before grabbing his bag and storming out of the class room.

"Well that was unexpected!" Lupin said.

"Why was his boggart Hermione getting killed by his own father?" Ron said absolutely confused.

"I have no clue!" Harry said. Everyone was whispering about the situation except from Hermione. She didn't enjoy watching herself get killed but she felt cared for that it was Dracos worst fear. Strange...

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