skinny jeans

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readers pov:

Hermione walked into the great hall with the after sex glow dripping off her, everyone turning around to stare at her. She stopped at the door rolling her eyes seeing Draco smirking at her. Draco got up walking over with his jacket hanging over his shoulder. He got to her and leaned on the door.

"You looked so perfect standing in my room with my American apparel underwear," Draco teased smirking at her.

"Shove off Draco!" Hermione scowled playfully as everyone watched them smile/ smirk at each other.

"I've got your skinny jeans lying on my floor and I know now that you are my future!" Draco teased her as he continued to lean on the door standing taller than her. Seriously he's really tall compared to her. Hermione pretended to be annoyed as she tried to hide her smile and giggles. Everyone jaws dropped as she started laughing and kissed Draco. Draco extended his hand Hermione taking it and running off with him in fits of giggles.

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