- Your ferret x

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Readers pov:

"Whats the letter 'Mione, it looks fancy!" Ginny said as she picked up her toast that had strawberry jam coated on.

"I have no clue!" Hermione shrugged picking up the letter. She took the envelope off.

"Don't be shy, read it aloud!" Ginny said chuckling.

"Ok, ok!" Hermione said unfolding the parchment, "Dear Bookworm, I want to live with you even when we're ghosts!"

"Oh merlin this is so cute!!"

"Because you were always there for me when I needed you the most!" Hermione carried on blushing deeply, "Im going to love you until my lungs give out. - Your Ferret x"

"Oh gosh 'Your Ferret'?" Ginny said her eyes wide open, "Wow plot twist!"

Hermione looked down then up at Draco grinning widely, she got up and walked over to the Slytherin table. Draco stood up as Hermione stopped about 10 metres away from him. She ran picking up pace exactly how she ran over to Harry and Ron in second year. She reached him as Draco engulfed her in a huge hug. He kissed her forehead.

"Im so sorry for ever letting you go!" Draco murmured into her eye making sure nobody else could hear. She didn't respond as she could hardly breathe in the bone crushing hug he was giving her.

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