yeah he's hot but he's Malfoy

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8th year, draco and Hermione are heads. <3

Readers pov:

"Ok now that we are finally alone, you can finally tell what its like living with Malfoy!" Ginny said as they stood in a hallway. The hallway wasn't deserted but wasn't busy. People still roamed through the hallways getting to the next class. But the 8th years had a half day.

"Ugh fine, it's ok. I mean we don't talk a lot because well obvious reasons which means im basically living on my own!" Hermione says as she puts a book into her bag.

"You mean you never talk? Boring! Well okay you must think he's hot right, I mean you aren't blind!" Ginny said speaking extremely fast. Ginny had noticed Malfoy, Nott and Zabini come round the corner in the hall and was about to walk past them two so she immediately asked what Hermione thought about Malfoy. Oh Ginny could be a Slytherin, she's a little cunning red head.

"I mean yeah Malfoy is hot, im not blind. I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him! You certainly wont see me day dreaming of him though, neither will I ever blush or get nervous at Malfoy talking to me. He's Malfoy and I hate how annoying and how much of a prat he is! Therefore I hate his guts!" Hermione said not realising the trio stopped behind her listening and smirking at what the bookworm was saying.

"What do you like about him?" Ginny said trying to embarrass her best friend further. She looked behind her best friend at the trio smirking.

"You are actually asking this right now? You are such an annoying git!" She said laughing.

"Yes that may be true but im an annoying git that you love and made your best friend," She said as Hermione said true, "Come on there must be certain things you like about him!"

"Yes of course there is, you seem very desperate to know so I might as well tell you!" Hermione said as the three boys behind her silently celebrated.

"Okay I guess I love how he has a certain smile for different situations, like say he catches the snitch at quidditch. He has a full smile, he shows his straight, white teeth!" Hermione said shrugging, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Very observant of you 'Mione but that cant be it!" Ginny said as they boy started to walk to the courtyard. The three boys following behind, still in earshot.

"Ok I guess well he's definitely got a quidditch body," Hermione said as she looked at her best friend, "He always walk out of the bathroom in just a towel and gives me his infamous smirk, attention seeking if you ask me. His rich daddy must of not given him enough."

Draco rolled his eyes as his two friends tried to keep in there laughter, Ginny laughed at the last sentence, "You really are funny Hermione even when you realise you aren't! Please continue though!"

Hermione groaned as she realised the red head wasn't letting this go.

"Ok well he has an adorable laugh and his jawline, ah his jawline!" Hermione said mocking all the girls who swoon over Draco. Ginny burst out laughing at this as she muttered something along the lines as "You are hilarious".

"I love how carefree he is and how cool his eyes are," Hermione laughed as Ginny take a bite out of a green apple mocking him. Theo and Blaise laughed at that quietly, careful not to to get caught. Draco pushed both of them.

"Dracos eyes are rather nice, aren't they?" Luna said as she skipped towards them then carried on skipping past them.

"How did she-?" Hermione stopped confused,"-Know we are talking about Malfoy?"

"I don't know we must be loud talkers," Ginny said shrugging taking another bite out of the green apple. '

"If we are loud talkers im no longer talking about Malfoy!" Hermione concluded as they arrived in the courtyard. They both dropped onto the grass still talking.

"Hello she-weasel and bookworm!" Draco announced as the trio walked over to the two best friends.

"You like Dracos eyes?" Theo said as he sat down on the grass in front of them.

"Huh?" Hermione said dumbfounded.

"He does have a nice jawline, doesn't he?" Blaise said as he inspected Dracos jawline. Blaise also sat down in front of the two.

"Im glad you like my laugh, granger. Very glad you noticed my different smiles!" Draco said plopping down in between Theo and Blaise.

"Sorry 'Mione. It completely slipped my mind to tell you that these three gits were behind us the whole way here!" Ginny said faking being sorry. Theo acted offend at being called a git.

"Ginerva Molly Weasley, you better run. Ill give you a 0 second head start!" Hermione said giving her a death stare. Ginny gulped before running off. Hermione started to run after her.

"Never knew Granger could run so fast!" Theo commented.

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