I want to feel again

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Readers pov:

"Students! Please your attention?" Dumbledore said in a sad tone gaining everyones attention as he was a very cheerful person, everyone now dead silent, "Last night a very intelligent, lost student took their life!"

"He was found last night by Filch in Mrytles bathroom, although Mrytle was not their to help this student!" Dumbledore said tears prickling his eyes, "This young man was Draco Malfoy!"

Many people gasped or stayed dead silent in sadness. Many slytherins started to cry or sob, which was very unlike them but draco was a friend to them all. A person started crying the most, Hermione Granger.

"Miss Granger, he wrote a letter addressed to you. It hasn't been opened!" McGonagall stated in a sad mood. Hermione stood up, crying and took the letter. She opened it.

Dear Bookworm,

If you are reading this it means I committed suicide, now I want you to know that this has nothing to do with you. On the 3rd of August I was branded with the mark. I fell into a depressed state and I know that you realised. I'm sorry If I've hurt you, I just couldn't take the pressure of keeping the Malfoy name. I want to feel again, the afterlife is the place where I will. The dark Lord wanted me to murder Dumbledore but I couldn't go through with it. Please don't think about me in sadness but more in happiness. Im in a better place now and I hope to see you soon.

Yours truly,

- Always Your Ferret x

This made her break down in even more tears, he was gone. Forever....

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