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Readers pov:

"We were going to revisit boggarts but since the war the ministry has decided that wouldnt be best!" Lupin said walking around the class to the wardrobe, "This spell is extremely similar to the boggart except it will you show you your greatest desire!"

"So like the mirror of erised?" Hermione asked interested in what they were learning.

"Yes! When I ask you to make it disappear you will draw your Wand and say 'evanish'!" Lupin said congratulating Hermione, "Let's practise. Without wands please!"

"Repeat after me, Evanish!" Remus said before the whole class said it perfectly, "Great job, ok form a line and lets start!"

"Oh yes before we start I just want to ask if you think your desire may be inappropriate please step away, anything like death or other stuff!" Lupin said before gesturing them to form a line.

Everyone formed a line quite excited, Hermione, Draco, Daphene and Ginny stepped over to the bench as they knew their desires were not appropriate. Remus opened the wardrobe mist coming out but immediately transforming into Fred Weasley. Ron was first in the line and a tear formed in his eye.

"Hey lil bro! Want to see my next idea for the joke shop?" Fred said sounding so realistic.

"Evanish!" Ron shouted him changing back to mist. Harry stepped forwards and watched the mist change to his parents holding each other by a beautiful fountain.

"Hello Harry!" James cried happily cradling Lily.

"Hello darling, hows school?" Lily asked smiling at him.

"Its good-" Harry said before realising it was fake, "Evanish!"

"That was good Harry and Ron, next please!" Remus said smiling at them both as Harry and Ron gave each other a short hug in a way of supporting each other. Pansy walked forward and stared at her parents smiling at her, proud. She said the counter curse then walked over to a seat sitting down embarrassed. Parvati saw Lavender alive and broke down crying, they were best friends. Remus walked forward shouting evanish and gave Parvati a pat on the back. Blaise walked forward the mist changing into a few green sofas with Pansy, Draco, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Daphene, Astoria and himself sitting on them laughing. He looked down as a tear dropped from his eye, Crabbe had died in the ROR just after Goyle disappeared no one ever seeing him again.

"Evanish!" Blaise shouted keeping himself together, maybe these were just as worse as the boggarts. Everyone was seeing someone special to them who had passed. Neville walked forward seeing himself in an auror uniform. He smiled, it was his dream job. He took a minute before saying the counter curse. Theo walked forward laughing at what he saw, It was one of his closest friends, Blaise. But not just Blaise, it was Blaise in a suit at a wedding. Before anyone could see who the bride was he said the counter curse not wanting to expose him friend.

"Serious mate? Thats your biggest desire?" Blaise said laughing with Draco and Pansy who knew exactly what it was.

"What? I just want you to be with her, you always go on about her!" Theo said laughing sitting down with Pansy, Blaise and Draco. The four all knew that is was Luna as the bride. The mist floated around the room everyone forgetting about it until it come to the bench were Draco, Daphene, Ginny and Hermione sat. It moved to Daphene turning into an explicit movement of some random person dying, she said the counter curse everyone staring at not noticing the mist move to Hermione. The mist turned into Draco and Hermione, everyone not noticing until the Draco in the mist said something. Everyone whipped their heads around to stare at fake Hermione and Draco. Hermione stared at it knowing what was going to happen next, she was frozen to the spot jaw wide open. The fake Hermione and Draco started to kiss passionately, Dracos eyes wide. Hermione just stared at it in admiration, lupin ran over as the fake people started to moan shouting the counter curse. Lupin made sure the mist got back into the wardrobe before quickly dismissing everyone. Everyone ran out. Draco followed Hermione.

"Wait Granger!" Draco shouted after her, she ignored him, "Hermione!"

"What?" Hermione said whipping her head back stopping walking, only stopping because he called her Hermione.

"I just wanted you to know I know my biggest desire would have been the same as yours!" Draco spoke smiling at her, she smiled back before giving him a quick kiss on the lips before running to the library.

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