loving you is a losing game

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"Hermione please just wait!" Draco shouted attracting more attention to the couple. Hermione looked at Draco tears started run down her cheeks.

"We were always a losing game, I got addicted to a losing game," Hermione said looking down as she sobbed, "Loving you is a losing game."

Hermione turned to leave but got stopped as Draco gripped onto her hand amking her stop. She knew she could easily shove him off but she didnt. Why? Because just by the simple touch he was showing that he was willing to fight for their relationship. She turned around and listened to what Draco was saying, "Please Hermione just let us have one more chance!"

"I promise that I will do just small and simple things. Like make you a coffee, hug you at every chance and kiss you. We were lacking these things but we can do them now. I will not let these simple things ruin our relationship. Please Hermione!" Draco cried squeezing her hand.

"Ok..." Hermione mumbled before getting squeezed into a hug and getting showered with kisses.

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