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Rose Weasley-Granger - hermione Granger and Ron Weasleys child
Scorpius Malfoy - Draco and Astoria Malfoys child
Albus Potter - Ginny and Harry potters child
Astoria has died and Ron and Hermione has divorced.
Readers pov:
Rose and Albus walked into Scorpius's bedroom. They all sat on bean bags and talked for hours. They had heard his father, Draco Malfoy, open the door but thought nothing of it. They then heard him walk to his bedroom and close his door.
"It is quite late I guess," Albus shrugged as he looked at his two best friends.
"Yeah it is like 9pm!" Rose said as she picked up some popcorn and ate it.
"I don't know, he normally goes to bed at 11pm. He may be feeling quite lonely since mother died a few years ago," Scorpius said with a very sad look on his face, he didn't like to talk about his mother as he thought people may thought he was weak.
"My mums been feeling quite lonely as well since she divorced my dad after he cheated," Rose said looking down at her fingers. They continued to chat, eat and watch a movie. They did this for about 15 minutes until they heard noises from dracos room.

Merlin 'mione!

The three shot each other confused looks.

Draco oh god.

They all paled realising what was going on.
"What is my mum doing here...with your dad?!" Rose started freaking out and stood up starting to pace.
"Chill out Rosie!" Albus laughed at his aunt and best friends dad having sex, "Now I can bring this up as blackmail against auntie hermione!"
"I'm siding with Rose with this, this is terrible! What the fucks going on?" Scorpius stayed sitting down but was freaking out but trying to seem still cool. They sat through many yells, screams, moans and grunts awkwardly.

"I think we should move to New Zealand and never see my mum or your dad ever again," Rose said blushing, she knew her mum hadnt been in a relationship or been intimate with a man in a while but why did it have to be Scorpius's dad. Rose had heard Aunt Ginny encouraging her mum to get with Draco but she didn't think she would actually do it.

"Actually I think im starting to see Albus's point now, I think your mum is good for my father Rose!" Scorpius said to Rose making her jaw open.

"Lets go get snacks!" Albus said standing up from the bean bag, watching his two best friends nod their heads and get up.

They were in the kitchen eating food when they heard Draco come down the stairs with a small female figure behind him.

"Did you want to have some wine?" The kids heard Draco ask Hermione, they heard her say 'yes' as they realised they were going to come in the kitchen.

"Sup dad?" Scorpius said in a way to happy voice.

"Hello Mr Malfoy!" Albus said happily, Albus was always at his house and knew his way around the Manor, where as Rose had only been to the house at least 20 times. Dracos eyes widened seeing the kids in the kitchen.

"Hello mum, Mr Malfoy," Rose said awkwardly sipping on her water.

"What are you kids doing here? I thought you were the potters house?" Draco said nervous they heard him and Hermione.

"We were but we got in at 8:30pm!" Scorpius said eating some crisps.

"Hello Rose...." Hermione said awkwardly coming to stand next to Draco.

"What are you doing here Aunt mione?" Albus said in an innocent voice.

"Oh you know talking about....hogwarts?" Hermione said unsure of herself. Scorpius and Albus laughed as they thought this situation that they were in was extremely funny.

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