I'd never be lonely

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Readers pov:

Hermione walked into the great hall, tears in her eyes. Harry and Ron rolled their eyes as they saw her approaching them, they had an argument about how Draco and Hermione had started a relationship.

"What do you want?" Ron said putting his chicken down as him and Harry turned on the bench to stare at her. Everyone stared at the trio as they had never had a proper argument. They wasn't just an argument, they weren't even friends anymore.

"You guys promised that I would never be lonely again," Hermione said with tears in her ears, "Except you guys left me because I found happiness with a boy who may have bullied us, but guess what? HES CHANGED! Im sorry that you cant see that!"

"Hermiones an idiot from the muggle world, usually alone with books or hanging out with Malfoy," Hermione repeated their words, fed up with the two ignoring their 8 years of friendship, "News flash, you guys aren't cool for ignoring your best friend!"

The boys didn't know what to say, they were to proud to say sorry but they weren't willing to lose their best friend.

"I've had enough of your bullshit, you either apologise now or you've lost your best friend forever!" Hermione said as Draco came and hung an arm around her waist. The boys stood up and hugged her, who returned the hug.

"Im sorry mione!" The boys said in unison, Draco smiling as Hermione just got her two best friends back.

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