Guys you cant come in!

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2 years after the warrrr.

Readers pov:

Ron and Harry knocked at the door, only to wait 4 minutes before Hermione answered the door.

"Hey 'Mione, we haven't seen you in a while!" Ron said cheerfully as he handed Hermione her favourite coffee from their favourite coffee.

"Oh thanks!" Hermione smiled taking the coffee from his hand.

"So can we come in?" Harry asked confused as she always usually straight away offered if they wanted to come inside.

"Oh yeah, you cant!" Hermione stuttered which is very unusual for her, "I-i'm....busy?"

"What you doing?" Ron asked, she was never busy at 8 am in the morning. And normally she had her normal clothes on, she was wearing shorts and a bra type pajama thing.

"Guys you cant come in!" Hermione snapped annoyed, they weren't leaving.

"Whos at the door love? Please come back to bed!" A manly voice could be heard shouting from what seemed like hermiones room, Hermione blushed as her two bestfriends mouths formed an 'O' shape.

"Whos the boy?" Ron said as he and Harry went into protective best friend mode.

"Just a uh- friend?" Hermione asked not sure on her answer as she scratched her neck.

"You sleep in the same bed as a friend!" Harry asked sarcastically.

"Ummmmm no?" Hermione said as she started to stress out as the stairs could be heard creaking as someone walked down them.

"Mione? You didn't answer me, are you ok?" The man said as he came to the bottom of the stairs and walked over to her.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked trying not to laugh, Ron laughed really loud.

"Pottah....and Weasley!" Draco said trying to signal to Hermione that he was sorry for coming down. She reassured to him thats ok.

"Me and Draco have been together for about 5 months now..." Hermione said as she took Dracos hand.

"Very cool!" Ron looked like he was about to cry.

"Are you ok, Ronald!?" Hermione quickly asked.

"Its just that he's lost 200 galleons to me, HAHA RONALD SUCK IT I KNEW THEY WOULD GET TOGETHER!" Harry explained to Hermione then turned to Ron and started to gloat. Hermione just shook her head and slammed the door not wanting to listen to Harry wind him up on her porch.

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