You broke me first

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Hermione and Draco dated but Draco broke up with her. 6th year Voldemort is dead. ;(

Readers pov:

"Ah granger you have arrived!" Draco said standing next to Blaise and Pansy. Hermione stomping angrily closer to them, Harry and Ron following running after her. You could see the anger in her eyes, she looked like she could kill and the silver trio saw it as they wore terrified looks. But quickly replaced them with smirks.

"YOU!" Hermione shouted pointing at Draco as she reached the silver trio, "How dare you spread rumours about me!"

"I think we all know the truth, you are obsessed with me!" Draco chuckled with Pansy and Blaise.

"You will NOT be laughing when you end up in St. Mungos!" Hermione screamed drawing her wand everyone in Hogwarts watching them. Harry and Ron pushed through the crowd and reached the four.

"Hermione he isn't worth it!" Ron said repeating what he said in 3rd year. She didn't take her wand away, this time she kept her wand at his throat when she punched his nose.

"Ow granger, that hurt you fucking idiot!" Draco screamed clutching his nose.

"I don't really care how bad it hurts because you mentally broke me when you cheated on me 3 months ago then broke up with me!" She shouted before turning on her heel and stomping away.

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