fell in love with me

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Readers pov:

Draco sat at the slytherin table, it was breakfast and he ate and talked to his friends. He was in 8th year, he could feel eyes burning into him as he turned his head to look at the Gryffindor table. His eyes met with chocolate brown eyes, grangers eyes. Draco smirked as she blushed and looked down, everyone knew Ron and Hermione were in a relationship. But did Hermione know she was in a relationship herself?

"I just caught Granger staring at me!" Draco said chuckling as he told Theo and Blaise.

"We should go to the Gryffindor table!" Theo said, he always looked for trouble.

"Good idea, never miss a chance to annoying the golden trio!" Blaise said as the three stood up, walking to the Gryffindor table. As they got to the table, the golden trio saw the three and got up.

"What ups amazing golden trio!" Blaise laughed as they reached the three war hero's.

"What do you want?" Ron spat looking at them.

"I think your girl, think your girl fell in love with me, Weasley," Draco said, as the three smirked at Potty, Weaslebee and Granger. Everyone in the great hall now watching their argument at the mention of Hermione Granger in love with Draco Malfoy.

"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry said rolling his eyes, "Hermione could never be in love with an annoying, ferret like you!"

"You are awfully quiet granger! Not denying anything I see," Theo pointed out making the his two slytherin friends smirk.

"IM NOT IN LOVE WITH YOU MALFOY!" Hermione suddenly shouted as she rubbed her temples.

"Calm down mione, we know they are lying," Harry said putting a hand on her shoulder, he knew how easily his best friend got stressed out.

"Look I know I'm hot but please stop staring at me, it was hot now its just creepy!" Draco laughed, making the three Gryffindors stare at him. He said it was hot at first then he laughed, slytherins were never known for LAUGHING.

"Ive never stared at you Malfoy, just piss off!" Hermione snapped at him rolling her eyes.

"Oh yeah? Then why did our good friend Draco here catch you staring a few minutes ago?" Blaise asked raising his eyes.

"Shut up Zabini, Hermione would never be in love with you because she's my girlfriend!" Ron snapped, only the slytherins seeing Hermione tense when he said girlfriend.

"If Granger wasn't in love with me she would have no problem kissing me and not wanting more!" Draco said smirking like the two slytherins beside him, many people in the hall gasping Hermione would never kiss him.

"Good idea mate!" Blaise said fake smiling at the Gryffindors.

"Go ahead kiss draco, granger!" Theo said encouraging the Gryffindor.

"She will not be kissing Malfoy!" Ron said stomping his feet, except Harry pitied Hermione. Hermione had told Harry about her weird love for the Draco.

"Just kiss Malfoy and get it over with!" Harry sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose, he was encouraging his best friend to kiss the enemy because he wanted what was best for his best friend. The slytherins looked confused at Harry encouraging this.

"I will not be kissing the fer-" Hermione started but got cut off by Draco pulling her into a kiss by her waist. He placed his lips on hers, she was shocked but weirdly she kissed him back. Hermione put her hands to his neck as he kept his hands respectively at her waist. She opened her mouth when Draco licked her bottom lip asking for entrance.

"What the fuck! Get your ugly, small lips off my girlfriend!" Ron shouted stomping his feet. They continued to kiss, breaking apart for air a few minutes later. Harry smiled at Hermione and Draco kissing but replaced it with a frown as Ron looked at him.

"Malfoy, what the hell?" Hermione asked acting annoyed, really she as over the moon, she had just got to kiss the man she was truly in love with. Then she remembered she was still with Ron and rolled her eyes, everyone thinking it was at Draco.

"You'll pay for kissing my girlfriend Malfoy!" Ron shouted at him, everyone still shocked that Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger kissed for two minutes!

"Sorry to say but your 'girlfriend' just stood there and kissed Draco for 2 minutes, he didn't force her and Granger didn't pull back!" Blaise said making everyone in the great hall agree with him.

"I think you have some problems with your 'girlfriend' to sort out!" Theo laughed as he put quotation marks around girlfriend. Hermione hadn't stopped blushing since they had kissed but forced herself to stop since she looked like an idiot. Harry caught Hermiones eye and smiled at her quickly.

"Told you Hermiones in love with me!" Draco said everyone going wide eyed at Draco calling Hermione by her first name, "Later Granger!"

Hermione blushed as Draco winked at her before he left the great hall with Blaise and Theo.

"Why the hell did you let Malfoy kiss you like that?" Ron turned to look at her, he was a red as his hair as he was extremely angry, "Are you actually in love with blonde headed albino idiot?"

"Ron can we please talking about this somewhere in private without everyone staring at us?" Hermione asked desperately.

"So you are in love with him?" Ron asked not shouting anymore. Hermione looked at her shoes, she knew she couldn't lie to her best friends ever so she didn't answer him. Harry put his hand on her shoulder again, supporting her. Everyone knew now that Hermione was in love with Draco Malfoy.

"Hermione im sorry for shouting, Its not your fault you fancy the ferret!" Ron smiled at her, he was kind of glad they had an excuse to break up now. They were better off as friends.

"So friends?" Hermione asked looking at him in the eye.

"No...." Ron said making Hermione frown, "Of course we can still be friends!"

Hermione laughed then hugged him, harry joining in the hug a second later. Harry really couldn't resit a hug. Lucky for Hermione, a certain blonde ferret returned the same feelings for her.

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