somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper

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This is after the war in a random muggle strip club lmfao. I don't even know if Ill end up posting this part because It'll probably be soooo cringey.

Readers pov:

Draco, Theo and Blaise walked into the club, it was a Friday night and Theo suggested they go here. They ordered a drink. They watched a dancer.

"Hey she looks rather familiar, her hair!" Blaise said confused.

"She does doesn't she...." Theo said trying to work out who it was, they had never been here before. The dancer looked at the trio and paled but went on regardless.

"I wonder why she paled seeing us?" Blaise said even more confused, Draco paled knowing who it was.

"T-thats Granger...." Draco murmured Blaise and Theo barely hearing him.

"Oh merlin it is...well at least she no longer looks like a curveless little girl!" Blaise laughed.

"Ayyy somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper!" Theo laughed throwing Money at Hermione. Theo supported her a lot because they had been good friend before Hogwarts ended. Hermione laughed seeing him throw her money.


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