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readers pov:

"If Hermione Granger steps forwards now and sacrifices herself, all mud bloods and blood traitors shall live!" Bellatrix cried out as Harry had died. Everyone turned to Hermione as she sighed and stepped forward.

"NO!" Ron screamed out as he burst out in tears. Draco had saw Harry blink and saw a gleam of hope. Hermione reached Bellatrix and looked down before dracos aunt raised her wand.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix screamed as Hermiones limp body hit the floor and Voldy Moldy laughed. Draco ran forward from Narcissa and Lucius, crying. He ran to Hermiones body and dropped to the floor crying onto Hermiones body.

"NO NO NO NO NO DONT LEAVE ME!" Draco cried taking Hermiones body in her arms. Blaise, Theo, Pansy and Daphene broke from their parents clasp and walked over to Draco.

"I know you love her but its over mate," Blaise said putting his hand on Dracos shoulder.

"Its never easy to say good bye to a loved one," Daphene said looking at Draco with a deep sorrow.

"We'll help you get through this Draco!" Pansy said as she heard Voldemort laugh.

"Get your hands off the filthy mudblood, blood traiter!" Bellatrix screamed only making Draco sob and cry more, everyone shocked except Dracos friends.

"Its never easy to walk away but sometimes you have to try," Theo said, they knew how much Hermione meant to Draco and it was extremely sad time for him to the point he could be suicidal.

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