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readers pov:
Hermione closed her eyes as a tear slipped out of it as she thought of all the friends who had passed away in the fight. It was her time, she thought as a death eater cornered her with loads of death eaters laughed behind him. Hermione tried her hardest to to get her wand out but the male death eater was to quick, he had disarmed her.
"I'm not ready to die, not not yet!" Hermione cried watching the death eater come closer to here every second. She spotted familiar platinum blonde hair just as the figure put their hood up covering their identity.
She sighed, her last hope walking away in a cloak. She closed her eyes just as the figure ran back and darted towards her. They put their hands around hermiones waist before running off with her going inside hogwarts trying to find a safe place. They stopped as he grunted revealing he was male, he had been hit with a spell running away with her.
"You're welcome." He said before running off back into battle.
"He sounds so familiar!" Hermione whispered to herself getting agitated as she couldn't place who it was. He was either in hogwarts close to her year are just out out of hogwarts. She breathed in and out before running the same direction as the male back into battle trying to find harry and Ron.

Voldemort has just been killed, the malfoys switched side. Although the malfoy heir still not in sight. People were celabrating, talking and having a good time in the great hall. Hermione wandered around, so thankful for  the black cloak man. She was just thinking about him when she saw the same cloak walk up to the Malfoys taking his hood down. It was Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy saved Hermione Granger. She sprinted up to him without thinking. 

"Draco thank you so much! You saved me! what can I do to repay you?" Hermione asked without thinking about calling him Draco. Harry and the Weasleys watching her. 

"Hermione you dont need to repay me. I guess it was my way of saying sorry for the years of bullying you." Draco looked down as he said this. The malfoys smiled feeling extremely proud of their son. Hermione hugged Draco as she cried. 

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