truth or dare

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In a situation were all the 8th years + Ginny play truth or dare. Just loads of truths and dares I think of.

Readers pov:

2 words

"Describe everyone in 2 words, granger!" Theo said for Hermiones truth earning a high five from Blaise. Hermione bit her lip, she didn't feel like taking her shirt off but it would be at the cost of getting exposed. They had take a piece of clothing off everytime they didn't want to answer a truth or do a dare. She sighed and took the veritaserum, she gulped a bit and looked at Ron. She wore a one sided smile.

"Idiotic but nice!" Hermione smiled at Ron then turned to Theo.

"Fun and hilarious,"

"Loyal and amazing," Hermione said to Harry.

"Feisty and pretty," Hermione said to Ginny, she did everyone except Draco. She moved her head to looked at Draco and rolled her eyes.

"Hot and annoying!" Hermione said, Malfoy giving her a usual smirk.

"Hot, eh?" Blaise said teasing her.

"Well thank you Granger!" Draco smirked at her.

"Stop smirking, don't make me change it." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Readers pov:

Kiss everyone

"Truth or dare Hermione?" Blaise asked laughing, he had known she hadn't wanted to play but she was finally loosening up. Pansy, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Theo and Blaise are playing.

"Dare!" Hermione said her Gryffindor bravery showing.

"Hmmmm...." Blaise put a finger to his chin, pretending to think, "Kiss everyone playing!"

"Fine...." Hermione rolled her eyes. She crawled over to harry and kissed his cheek who smiled at her. She then went over to Ron and like harry kissed his cheek. They were her best friends and it would have been weird. She went to Ginny as they grinned at each other and nodded their heads. Ginny pulled Hermione into a kiss before they broke away a few minutes later.

"You sure they haven't rehearsed that?" Theo asked laughing his head off.

"That was weird to watch but ok!" Ron said shaking his face.

"We may or not have rehearsed that," Ginny said smirking like Hermione.

"That was even weirder to listen to but ok!" Harry said also shaking his head.

"No I think its quite normal for girl best friends to kiss," Pansy said earning weird looks from all the boys, "Gotta know what its like, ya know?"

"That was triple weird to listen to," Theo laughed even more rolling around in fits of giggles.

"Ok calm down mate!" Draco said chuckling at Theo, Theo just rolled his eyes trying to calm down. Hermione went over to Theo and kissed him on the lips as well as Pansy. Hermione went up to Blaise and went in to kiss him on the lips, except she turned his head and licked his cheek making everyone laugh.

"They all get a kiss and I get licked? What was that for Granger!?" Blaise said annoyed rubbing his wet cheek.

"For giving me that dare!" Hermione laughed at his wet cheek. She then got to Draco and looked at him, he wasn't looking at her in the eye. She pulled his face up and connected lips with him. He was shocked for a while but then kissed her back pulling her onto his lip, Hermione straddling him. They kissed for a good 4 minutes before breaking apart and smiling at each other.

"Are you sure they haven't rehearsed that?" Theo and Blaise said in unison giggling like little girls. Draco and Hermione glanced at each other. They had definitely rehearsed it a few hundred times.

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