Mistletoe but without the mistletoe

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Readers pov:

"Miss Granger and Mr Malfoy please leave my classroom, im done with you to bickering for the day!" Professor Mcgonagall boomed as Miss Granger looked ill at what she had just said. Draco just smirked and walked out, a very pale Hermione lagging behind. The pair had been forced to sit next to each other as Draco was late to class and the only spot left was next to Hermione.

"You made us get sent out!" Hermione snapped the venom visible in her words.

"Whatever Granger!" Draco commented pretending to yawn, "Old news!"

Hermione placed her bag on a bench before sitting next to it. Draco rolled his eyes at the girl as he leaned against the wall. They still have 15 minutes until the next lesson started! 15 awfully long minutes, Draco scowled at granger.

"Stop staring and scowling at me Malfoy, its rude!" Hermione snapped looking at the tall, blonde boy.

"Aw do I get on little grangers nerves?" Draco said coming to sit right next to the girl on the bench as he pouted.

"If you carry on talking Malfoy, a blonde bratty albino ferret will be no longer!" Hermione said giving him a death stare. Draco just chuckled, he seemed to be the only one immune to Hermiones constant threats. Everyone would normally be whimpering and near to tears if Hermione Granger threatened to kill them. The whole class was watching the exchange, Draco and Hermione obviously hadn't noticed the charm that had been placed onto them. They could not leave the dome until they kissed.

"Whatever Granger im out of here!" Draco said chuckling moving to leave as his head hit the invisible barrier.

"Thought you were leaving?" Hermione said.

"I don't know if you are blind but I just hit my head on an invisible barrier and cant leave, idiot!" Draco said absolutely enraged he couldn't leave. Hermione turned her head towards the ceiling just before he eyes widened.

"Oh shit," Hermione murmured as she saw two lines ontop of the invisible dome, red and green. Both colours represented a mistletoe.

"I didn't know you cursed granger, hilarious!" For once the words out of Dracos mouth weren't sarcasm. Hermione quickly pointed up, Draco rolled his eyes and buried his head in his hands. Draco and Hermione could not see or hear anyone outside of the dome due to the charms on it, but everyone outside the dome could see and hear them.

"This is not happening right now!" Draco said bashing his hands on the invisible walls.

"Like I want to be stuck in here with you!" Hermione said standing up.

"You are so annoying, just shut up already!" Draco cried out surprising her.

"Ugh you are such a prissy brat!" Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah well you are such a bookworm who's nose is constantly stuck in a book, like you never have fun!" Draco said. The whole class laughed their heads off at both of Draco and Hermione's expense.

"I have fun!" Hermione cried.

"Yeah, ok!" Draco chuckled his words dripping with sarcasm.

"I hate you!" Hermione screamed at him. They suddenly leapt at each other, kissing each other passionately.

"Yeah. Well. I. Hate. You. More!" Draco said in between kisses. Hermione leapt up and slung her legs around dracos waist as he put her back against the wall. The charm had been broken and you could now hear the laughter of students. Even McGonagall was laughing, strange I know. The pulled apart quickly at the sound of students. Hermione blushed as they both stepped out of the area of where the dome was.

"See we told you they had sexual tension and they let it out by arguing, about time they let it out properly!" Blaise and Theo said to Ron and Harry.

"Ugh gross!" Ron commented.

"I mean we didn't need to hear it like that but its true they have sexual tension the pair of them!" Harry said surprised that he was agreeing with the snakes.

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