strangers part 2

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Readers pov: 

"Were you heading into the library?" Draco asked as he saw Hermione cling her book closer to her chest. 

"Uh, yeah I was actually!" Hermione stuttered but quickly recollected herself and smiled. 

"May I sit and read with you? I've heard how you're the brightest witch of our age and maybe your energy will help or you may be able to help me!" Draco said with a  short chuckle at the end as he complimented her. Hermione blushed as she shook her head. 

"Of course you can sit with me!" Hermione said pushing the fact that he is mean to Harry Potter (the chosen one and Triwizard champion of Hogwarts with Cedric). They walked in together as they discussed Hogwarts: A History. 

"Anyways, this is where I normally sit!" Hermione announced as she placed her bag down along with her books before she took a seat. 

"Does Krum always stare over at you with his strangely longing eyes?" Draco said laughing as he tried to hide his jealousy. 

"Haha yeah, kind of," Hermione said as she waved to Krum. Krum waved back flashing her a huge grin. 

"Do you like him or what?" Draco asked out of the blue worried he made her uncomfortable. 

"No of course not! He's quite a bit older than us anyway." Hermione said answering his question before smiling at him. Draco smiled back and it made Hermione blush and butterflies explode inside of her. Draco was practically wiping the relief off his forehead as he smiled down into his book. There was still a chance at him courting her to the Yule Ball. 

"Is there any homework you needed help on?" Hermione asked, and from that point off they held conversations at a perfect point. 

By the time they finished reading, doing homework, and studying it was nearly the end of dinner, so they raced to the great hall sprinting as fast as they could with the huge amount of books they had. They got to the great hall and went their separate ways. 

"What was all that about?" Ginny asked as she handed Hermione some food that she saved for her considering they were on dessert now. 

"Thank you, Gin!" Hermione said as she dug into her food before looking at the look Ginny gave her. She sighed, "I ran into him when heading to the library, we studied together and lost track of time."

"Lost track of time? That good, huh. So good you might have forgotten to meet up with your best friend?" Ginny asked laughing. 

"Oh merlin, I am so sorry Ginny! I'm sure you understand though, right?" Hermione said as she finished her food and got some dessert. 

"Right," Ginny said before they fall into fits of giggles, right after this they fell into casual conversation. 

¬4 days later¬ 

Hermione and Draco met at the library at the exact time they planned. They had met at the library at the same exact time for the last 4 days. Draco seemed a little off, not talking as much. They discussed homework, books, and everything yet nothing at the same time. 

"Okay, what's up?" Hermione asked, tired of him not being fully with her. 

"It's just this thing and I'm scared I'll scare you off if I tell you," Draco spoke looking her in the eyes. 

"I promise you, I will never ever get scared off by you, Draco," Hermione said placing her hand on top of his as she looked him straight in the eye and smiled. 

"Well, willyougototheyuleballwithme?" Draco gushed out it all squished together, something Hermione understood and she grinned widely. 

"Of course I will!" Hermione said as they both stood up and excitedly hugged each other, "I thought you would never ask!" 

It was all perfect, oh, of course until Draco's family heard about this. 

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