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They go to a muggle school :)

readers pov:

Hermione always tended to be a shy, introverted girl. Especially at school. She was scared that people would pick on her and maybe even bully her to the point she felt she needed to drop out. And many people did bully her.

Yes, she did have her two closest friends, her only friends really. Ron and Harry. They were always there for her, whenever they could be. They had a lot of different classes due to Hermione being extremely smart. She was glad due to the fact that she no longer had to help her two best friends with homework. The middle school used to be hell with the homework. The trio had grown up together.

There was this one boy that Hermione was extremely fond of. She would never admit it because he was the 'popular boy' and well I guess the typical bad boy. Hermione hated those two phrases as they were so cliche. She'd rather say 'extremely likable but a lot of people.

Many people didn't like this boy. Who is this boy you may ask? Draco Malfoy. In Hermione's eyes, she didn't know how anyone could not like him. He was perfect, his beautiful, blonde hair that oh so perfectly sat on top of his gorgeous face. Draco did bully a few students, well maybe more than a few. However he never bullied Hermione, they were more strangers. This bullying of Draco's however did not go unnoticed by Ron and Harry. They were still yet to understand why Hermione could ever like such a foul boy. Don't think that Draco not bullying Hermione went unnoticed by them as well. If you did think that you would be awfully wrong.

During many of their shared classes, Draco would catch Hermione staring at him with adore in her eyes. Maybe Hermione always got flushed and turned away before she could notice the fond look on Draco's face. A look that if Hermione could see she would immediately know the feelings were mutual between the two. If only she kept looking for a few seconds longer. However,  life isn't as simple as just looking a little longer. It never is.

"Dude, I know you just caught Granger staring at you again," Blaise said getting annoyed at his best friend. Blaise definitely noticed the fond looks Hermione gave Draco when she looked away. Frankly, he was sick of it. He rolled his eyes at him and looked back at his work frowning.

It didn't matter to Draco if Blaise noticed. It only mattered if Hermione noticed. Why couldn't she just look longer? If only she was to know his deep. longing feelings for her.

Draco did try to tell her one time. He remembered it as clear as ever.

"I have to do this!" I mumbled to myself hyping myself up. I knew Blaise was next to me rolling his eyes or whatever. If Blaise knew what I  was hyping myself up, my best friend would probably flip, "Okay goodbye Blaise!"

I sauntered, yes I knew I was sauntering with a smirk on my face. The smirk however did not match my actual confidence inside.

I reached Hermione, nerves about to explode. She was standing by her locker placing something inside. It was the end of the day so she was probably getting ready to leave. She looked up her eyes widening, that's strange.

"Hey-" I tried to say but stopped as I realized that she had run off after closing her locker. I'm never trying that again.

Draco shivered, pushing the memory away.

"Okay mate just stop!" Blaise said captivating Draco's attention, "Ask Granger out today!"

He looked down not bothering to respond, Draco heard Blaise sigh. Draco decided to write a note getting all his feelings out towards Hermione, who cares if she didn't like him back? All his attention was on his teacher, waiting for her to dismiss the class. About 5 minutes had passed before the teacher shut down her laptop and looked up at the class.

"Okay class, times up and it's the end of the day! I'm not setting homework as frankly I don't want to waste my time marking it!" The teacher said as everyone celebrated before leaving her classroom.

Draco ran away, leaving Blaise. He had to find Hermione before she left. After some searching, he found her by her locker. Major deja vu. He went to tap his shoulder before shaking his head and walking away.

It wasn't until he felt a tap on his shoulder that he turned around. There stood Hermione, her bouncing hair wrapping around her shoulders as her bag lay on her shoulder.

Hermione's words got all muddled up and she was just speechless. Not knowing what to say. Nothing could explain what she feeling right now. Draco had managed to phrase everything so perfect in the note he has dropped when walking away from her. How could she ever match it?

Without thinking, she pressed her lips against his. Draco stood, frozen. It was everything he wanted yet he wasn't responding. Hermione instinctually pulled away as soon as she realized Draco wasn't kissing her back. Was she doing something wrong? Was the note not for her? A million questions swam through her head going a million miles per hour until one thing stood out.

Why would you do that, you are so stupid.

She was about to mutter her apologies before something happened. Draco had wrapped his arms around her kissing her with all as much passion as he could. It was perfect. Again another cliche Hermione didn't like. But she had to admit, she liked this cliche.

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