Amortentia pt 3 (?)

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Readers pov:

"Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. its rumoured to smell definitely to each person according to what attracts them. For example I smell a wizards cologne, new parchment and," Hermione spoke to Slughorn explaining what the potion is but took a break realising what her last scent was, "Apples. Green apples."

"Amortentia doesn't create actual love-" Slughorn said but got cut off by Malfoy running into the classroom.

"Sorry im late professor!" Malfoy said.

"Its ok Mr Malfoy just don't let it become a habit, you are partnered with Miss Granger!" Slughorn said signalling for him to go over to the desk, he groaned but went over regardless.

"Ugh Granger how much perfume did you put on I cant smell anything over it, you must of put the whole glass on!" Malfoy complained snapping at Hermione.

"I actually didn't put any on I woke up quite late," Hermione explained confused, "Are you sure you aren't just smelling someone else's perfume?"

"Nope its definitely yours, its vile you should buy a different one!" Draco said holding his nose, the whole class had stopped what they were doing to watch them talk knowing that Draco had smelt Hermione in the Amortentia.

"I can also smell your cat, did you let that annoying cat sleep on you or something you stink of it!" Draco said fake gagging.

"Actually my cats with my parents this year!" Hermione snapped at him fed up with him, "Anyways your cologne stinks, you must of put a lot on!"

"I only wear it on special occasions!" Draco said rolling his eyes.

"Anyways as I was saying Amortentia doesn't create real love it only forms an obsession but it does wear off!" Slughorn said laughing under his breath seeing Dracos face fall.


"Well im not attracted to you either Malfoy so don't flatter yourself- wait when you were listing synonyms of ugly you accidentally said hot without 'not'!" Hermione said telling Draco his mistake.

"Oops!" Malfoy said.

"Yep they are definitely attracted to each other!" Pansy said laughing with the whole class.

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