Death eater?

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In the great hall in sixth year :))

Readers pov:

"Im telling you he's one of them!" Harry whispered to Ron and Hermione.

"Stop Harry!" Hermione said.

"One of what?" Ron said taking a huge bite out of his toast. Hermione sighed.

"Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a death eater!" Hermione said explaining to Ron.

"His father is one it just makes sense!" Harry said in a whisper-shout voice, making sure nobody heard the three of them.

"Im telling you he isn't one of them!" Hermione said in the same tone of voice.

"And how would you know that, huh?" Harry said, frowning.

"Because I have seen Draco naked many times and I haven't seen the death eater mark!" Hermione suddenly shouted everyone in the great hall went silent at Hermione Granger shouting at Harry Potter. This was normal but it wasn't about the usual 'not doing home work'. Draco suddenly whipped his head around at the sound of his name.

"Uh- I mean ive seen Malfoys arm many times before and it hasn't been there!" Hermione suddenly gushed out, absolutely petrified.

"No no you said you've seen Malfoy naked 'many times'!" Harry said extremely angry. Everyone in the hall including the professors were now watching.

"N-no I didn't!" Hermione spluttered, she gulped scared at what her best friends were going to say.

"Whats that about 'Mione?" Ron said without food in his hand which was extremely strange and surprising. The three were so linked into there argument they didn't even realise a blonde headed ferret striding over.

"Whats up potty, weaslebee?" Draco smirked slinging his arm around hermiones shoulders.

"S-so now its it? My only family member dies, I keep getting visions of Voldemort and you are suddenly shagging the enemy?" Harry screams outraged at the couple.

"Harry please keep your voice down!" Hermione said giving him a pleading look.

"No I will not keep my voice down, I cant believe you! Dating this death eater parents scum!" Harry kept yelling at Hermione.

"Stop insulting my boyfriends parents and stop insulting my boyfriend! Dracos parents love our relationship and accept it! They are not death eaters and are currently being protected by the ministry and Dumbledore!" Hermione started going off at Harry, "I mean this is exactly why we didn't tell anyone because you, my best friend cant accept my happiness! Fuck off Harry and come back when you apologise to me!"

She stormed off, Draco following close behind.

"Mate you should apologise!" Ron said putting his hand on Harrys shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah I will soon," Harry said still standing up, surprised from her sudden outburst.

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