arguing and break ups

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Readers pov:

"I still remember 3rd of September, me in your sweater. You said it looked better on me then but I watched your eyes as she walked by!" Hermione trying to run away from her boyfriend Draco Malfoy, everyone in the hallway watching them two argue.

"You gave her your sweater!" Hermione snapped stopping and poking his chest.

"Its just polyester!" Draco tried arguing back.

"But you like her better!" Hermione said tears cascading her cheeks. Everyone knew who she was referring to. Astoria Greengrass. Hermione had known Draco still wasn't over Astoria going into their relationship but she never knew he would go running back to her at the first chance he got.

"I think we should go separate ways Draco. Its been 5 months since your break up with Astoria and yet you still go back to her at the first you get!" Hermione cried her mascara smudging around her eyes.

"Thats not true-" Draco tried to desperately say his side of the story.

"They why did you kiss her? Then why did you give her your quidditch jumper? Then why didn't you tell me when it happened? Why did I have to find it out from someone else and not you?" Hermione wiped her tears away, she was not weak.

"It would hurt you 'Mione!" Draco sighed rubbing his face.

"And yet here we are. I would have been happier if you have just told me, we could have worked it you but you kept from me!" Hermione said walking away leaving him frozen to the floor. She was right. But that didn't mean he would let the relationship go, he ran after her.

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