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8th year

Readers pov:

Hermione moped into the great hall, her eyes red everyone already in the great hall eating breakfast. She wandered over to Ginny, harry and Ron on the Gryffindor table and slumped onto the bench.

"Mione are you okay? You look like you've been crying," Ginny asked concerned for her best friend looking at her sadly. As soon as she said this Hermione burst out crying, everyone turning to stare at her and watch her.

"Whats wrong mione?" Harry asked putting his hand on her arm, she flinched away. Ron put his food down and looked awkwardly at her, he loved her as a friend but he wasn't the best at comfortably.

"You know my muggle boyfriend? The 21 year old," Hermione said sobbing her head in her hands.

"Yes, what did he do? Do we need to hurt him?" Ron asked giving her a smile.

"He cheat-" Hermione said cutting herself off by sobbing, "-ed on me!"

"HE WHAT? I TOLD YOU THAT HE WAS NO GOOD!" Ginny yelled outraged standing up but quickly sitting back down as Dumbledore (yes he's alive) looked at her.

"My muggle friend called me telling m-" She stopped talking as she cried louder, "-e that he came onto her drunk!"

"And I said I was through the first time but I went back to him! I just want a loving guy! Are my expectations far to high? All I want is love that lasts, why was I not enough? Am I really that ugly? I mean I know im ugly but I thought I could at least have a boyfriend. Is there something wrong with me?" Hermione wailed showing that this muggle guy meant a lot to her.

"Oh merlin," Ron mumbled under his breath looking at Ginny being extremely angry at Hermiones word like she was about to blow. Harry only heard this and laughed under his breath. Hermione slumped her head onto the table, trying to stop crying.

"HERMIONE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! NEVER EVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF EVER AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? SO HELP ME MERLIN I WILL KILL THAT GUY WITH MY BARE HANDS!" Ginny screamed, making everyone laugh or mumble about her being crazy. Regardless, true respect to Ginny for standing up for Hermione. Hermione stopped crying, smiled at Ginny and wiped her nose.

~Meanwhile at the slytherin table~

"Not surprised granger got cheated on shes annoying!" Pansy laughed with Theo and Blaise. Everyone in the great hall back to talking as Hermione left.

"You are awfully quiet Draco you feeling alright?" Blaise asked his good friend on his right.

"Yeah, yeah im fine I'm going to the library," Draco said getting up and walking out following Hermione to comfort her.

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