cheater :((

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In a situation were Ginny took a photograph of Draco kissing Astoria because his father wants Draco to break up with Hermione so he can keep the pureblood line with Astoria and he knew Ginny was there so he wouldn't have to break up with Hermione because it would have been to heartbreaking. 5th year btw.  </3

Readers pov:

"Hermione I really don't want to show you this but as your best friend I feel like I have to as your best friend," Ginny said as faced her best friend as they both ate their dinners.

"Ok what is it?" Hermione asked just before picking up a bit of chicken on her fork. Ginny showed Hermione the picture of Draco and Astoria kissing. She dropped her fork onto her plate as her eyes filled with tears.

"Hermione I'm really sorry we can confront him after dinner if you want," Ginny stated calmly trying not to make her best friend more Astoria.

"No im going to do this now, alone!" Hermione said as she wiped her tears, "Thank you though!"

Ginny nodded slowly. Not everyone in Hogwarts knew about draco and Hermione's relationship. Only Ron, harry, luna and Ginny out of hermiones friends and Blaise, Theo, Astoria and Pansy out of Draco's friends. Hermione got up and walked to the Slytherin table. Draco knew what was coming. Everyone started to stare as nobody dared to go the Slytherin table except from Slytherins.

"Draco," Hermione stated as she got over to Draco. Draco stood up and looked really nervous. Her face showed pure hatred, like she was ready to kill anyone in her path.

"You know what fuck you!" She yelled in Dracos face, Draco stayed silent, "And you!"

She pointed at Astoria.

"You can have him Greengrass because guess what I don't give a fuck anymore!" She said as she looked at her with disgust. Theo and Blaise conjured popcorn up. (I love Blaise and Theo lmfao). Everyone in the great hall was shocked. Except from Theo and Blaise, who continued to shovel popcorn into their mouths.

"I hate your friends and they hate me too!" She screamed into Draco's face.

"Hey thats not fair, we like you granger!" Theo and Blaise said in unison.

"We, us, this is over!" She yelled as tears formed in her eyes.

"I hope you are happy and have a nice life with greengrass!" She said calmly. Hermione took a photo of them two together and a lighter out of her robe pockets. She had accioed them from her drawers in her room before walking over. She held the photo up and burned it. She dropped in on the floor, grabbing a glass of water and chucking it on the photo before walking out of the great hall.

"Hermione....!" Draco yelled at her before running after, "Let me explain please!"

"Fine but you have 2 minutes!" She had turned around just before she exited through the door.

"My father.....he forced me to breakup with you! I didn't know how to break up with you or tell you so I did that!" Draco spluttered as he started to cry. Many gasped as nobody thought he would ever cry.

"You could have just told me Draco. I would've understood, we could have sorted this out together!" She said calming grabbing his hand.

"I'm sorry Hermione I'm an idiot. M-my father, he said he would cruccio me if I didn't break up with you and well he's done before so I obviously believed him. H-he also said he would kill you," Draco stuttered before pulling her in for a hug.

"Draco I promise you we will sort this out and get your dad sent to Azkaban if thats what you think is best!" Hermione murmured. I nodded as she rested her head on my shoulder when hugging me.

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